This Thursday, March 20, another ‘Red Treadmill’, SIC Caras program led by Liliana Campos, went on.
The host received the commentators Sara Norte, Heitor Lourenço and Nuno Azinheira to analyze the latest news of the famous and also the program ‘married at first sight’.
At the beyond, after viewing images of the moment when the bride Marta refuses to give a bite of the couple’s cake to partner João Ricardo, the commentator showed her indignation.
“People who come in these kinds of programs have to go open-minded. The other didn’t like the touch, it costs her a lot to put a fork in her mouth, perhaps already put other things in her mouth, worse things.”He said, before the laughter of his colleagues. “Oops, sorry, I was enthusiastic”he said later.
Sara Norte explained that people who enter this experience cannot come with “many weirdness” and who should not immediately judge their partner by the physique.
“I don’t know, I don’t realize. I think people don’t realize that the physique is a mere cover. People when they get into this program, let’s see, it’s chemistry, they have to go deeper according to time, it’s not ‘oh no like’, love is much more than that … I think if people are not prepared for such a challenge, maybe they should not be applied.”questioned.
The commentator lamented that the essential objective of this program is getting lost: “More and more competitors of these programs go less for what this program is: which is to find love. And love can come in a two -meter person or a half feet. Love is much more than a cover, these 40 -year -old people know nothing of life?.