Manzanares is at the limit and emergency services. About 8.00, between the M-30 and the M-40 towards the A-6, which had been cut to 1.00 at kilometer 25 before the river level rise, which has multiplied by 15 its flow. In addition, there are (M-611, M-215, M-622, M-203 and M-111). “They don’t rule out more in the next few hours,” says Madrid emergencies. All authorities, from the City Council to 112, Government Delegation and the DGT, ask to limit the displacements by car through the capital and the region. The Ministry of Labor has recommended Teleworking and four universities ―Complutense, Autónoma, Rey Juan Carlos and Polytechnic – have suspended classes. During the night, 112 has managed 123 files and firefighters have carried out 29 interventions, especially in municipalities near Jarama and Henares. For this Friday, more abundant and persistent are expected in the Sierra, under yellow warning. In the absence of official certification, the capital has sprayed its record of the most rainy month: per square meter and bat to November 1997, in which 198.
The situation in the capital is worrisome because rain continues, and the increase in the volume of water that disembark in the Manzanares la (CHT) from the El Pardo dam. The Advisory Committee of (Painunam) held the last meeting between 21.30 on Thursday and 2.30 on Friday and has continued “monitoring the situation throughout the night to adopt the measures that may correspond.” In the first hour he has met again to reassess the situation. “Avoid unnecessary displacements, especially near Ríos Manzanares and Jarama, and stay informed by official channels,”.
Given the level of the Manzanares river of the last hour and a half, and as a precaution, the connection branch between the M30 (to the Antura del Km. 25) with the M40 has been cut. No more cuts are ruled out in the next few hours.
– Madrid emergencies (@EmercionesMad)
The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy has recommended its workers to use Teleworking and the Complutense University and the Polytechnic of Madrid has suspended all academic activity and “all those non -essential” during this Friday. In the same line, the Autonomous University of Madrid and King Juan Carlos, who have also decided to suspend all academic activity – including evaluation tests – and any other non -expendable activity have been spoken. The protocol has been activated from the Renfe Directorate so that all those responsible for teams who serve in the Community of Madrid facilitate teleworking.
The capital is from Monday at level 1 of the Painunam emergency phase, which has three levels. The “most committed” situation, in the words of the Vicealcaldesa and Delegate Security and Emergencies, Immaculate Sanz, is that of the Manzanares environment, especially by the non -channeled area, between Mingorrubio and the bridge of the French, which they ask not to approach and where there are beacon areas where the passage is prohibited.
The CHT continues to unwind water “at a very important level, around 60 meters per second” and there is a “very overwhelmed” area, it is that of the Somontes picnic, although “no way has been compromised.” Regarding Jarama, the most remarkable is the riverbed in the area of Muñoza, bars and on the auxiliary roads of the airport.
Ecologists in the action of the dams located along the urban section of Manzanares and, which are permanently raised since 2016, when the renaturalization process of the channel began. They consider that “they are a danger”, because with the rains and unpacking the level “can reach the gates and rise above them to the surrounding areas giving rise to floods.”
Five cut roads
But the situation is serious is not just the capital. The entire Community of Madrid has been located since Monday, in operational situation 1 of the) – whose scale goes from pre -emergency to five levels from zero to four – and surveillance in the basins of Jarama, Lozoya, Guadarrama, Alberche, Tajuña and Henares is maintained. During the night, 112 has opened 123 files for rain and firefighters have made 29 interventions, mostly in municipalities of the Jarama and Henares rivers.
In addition, regional water in road: the M-611, from kilometer 18 to 30.6 in scratch; in the M-215, at kilometer 2 En Ambite and in the M-622, from 1.5 to 2 in Guadarrama. The M-203 section of kilometer 0 to 1 in Madrid and the M-111 from 10.5 to 14.8 in Paracuellos and San Sebastián de los Reyes have also been cut.
The Aduncam advanced command post at the headquarters of the Security and Emergency Agency Madrid 112 (ASEM 112), in Pozuelo de Alarcón, “pending the rainfall that is taking place and its affectation in channels and roads” of the region. “It is recommended to restrict road displacements and be informed of the weather and traffic,”.
The Government Delegation to citizens to avoid taking the car and has asked for “maximum caution and attention to information and indications of security and emergency services”. “As far as possible it is requested to restrict displacements in the Community of Madrid due to heavy rains. Do not forget to inform yourself of the state of the roads and the weather forecast before undertaking the march,”.
It worried what could happen during the night because the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), the minimum, for rains that it maintained throughout the day in the mountains to the entire community until two in the morning of this Friday. In the Sierra, another 40 liters per square meter were expected in 12 hours, promptly more than 60 in 24 hours. In the metropolitan area, Henares, South, Vegas and West, 15 in an hour. In both cases, accompanied by storm and hail.
For this Friday, more abundant and persistent in the Sierra, the only area that because another 40 liters can accumulate. The snow level will be between 1,800 and 2,000 meters. Temperatures will drop lightly in the minimum and light to moderate in the maximums and there will be strong, very strong wind gusts, in summits of the Sierra. Given this situation, the Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Interior, Carlos Novillo, has asked citizens from Telemadrid to do not “escape” this weekend to the Sierra.
The Isabel II and the CHT channel without stopping its 13 and three swamps, respectively. Almost all reservoirs managed by channel were on Thursday above 75% of their capacity, especially that of El Villar, which is 100%. Also close to the top are those of Valmayor (96 %), La Acuña (96 %) and Santillana (91 %).
For its part, the CHT is unpacking in the San Juan swamps and chopped in the Alberche basin, in addition to that of El Pardo in the Manzanares. Seven capacity stations in the region exceed the red warning threshold, which refers to “very dangerous hydrological situations with probable flood of inhabited areas and important communication roads”. These are the Henares stations in pimples; Del Jarama in Algete, Improved-San Fernando, San Fernando and Puente Titulcia; of the Aulence in Aldea del Fresno; and of the Tajo in Puente Facoor. The red notice is also exceeded in six stations of the high courses of the Henares, Tajuña and Jarama rivers in the province of Guadalajara.
⛈️ At this time it rains in numerous areas of the.
‼ ️ We remember that tonight there is yellow warning due to rains in the mountains.
It is recommended to restrict road displacements and be informed of the weather and traffic.
– 112 Community of Madrid (@112cmadrid)