The horror of Teuchitlán opens its doors: “The only truth is that they don’t care about the disappeared”

by Andrea

AND . The Mexican Auschwitz, as it has been called, is an enclosure in the middle of crops reaped with sugar cane that is accessed by a black iron gate with bullet holes. Inside there is already little, a secarral with four palm trees full of dust, dirty bathrooms and three coverage roofed with sheet. On March 5, when a group of people looking for their missing relatives entered without calling, discovered human bone remains and signs of incinerations, hundreds of clothing garments, cleaning objects and even toys. But the image that has caused shock and carried the collective imaginary to the Nazis has been the pile of shoes without owner that was found. It is one of those training fields that use organized crime to add young people to their cause. It is also known that they are subjected to the cruelest practices to lose the fear of using knives and guns, even killing each other. Many of the thousands of disappeared that are counted in Mexico and it is no longer known if they are alive or dead.

A safety tape placed in the main field, inside the ranch.

The visit was attended by some search engine groups, by Jalisco, where the Izaguirre ranch, or other states is located. Cry were heard faded by impression, but above all he spread hopelessness because there was no longer evidence in there. “Why have they brought us here?” They wondered. “This is a mockery,” they said. “The only truth is that they don’t care about the missing ones,” they told the press, who also agreed to the farm for the first time. The Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office, at the request of the Federal, charted seven buses and transfer there to dozens of journalists who gathered to the doors to push under a heat of fainting and a dust that chewed. Inside, the search engines removed Adidas’s territy floor, a golden mango rash, some toothbrushes. “This is how the tracks are looking for,” one of them criticized one of them before several microphones.

Al Mazazo for the macabre find on March 5 he has followed the stupor for the bungling work of the Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office, which entered the ranch last September and arrested 10 people, rescued two and took out a corpse. And little else. The enclosure was allegedly sealed, but up to two vehicles have stolen there in the months that followed that operation. I was practically abandoned. Little or nothing is known about the survivors, the appropriate statements were not taken, nor the fingerprints, they did not even ask about the property of the ranch, a few kilometers from Guadalajara, one of the most prosperous capitals in Mexico. Everything has denounced such a neglect in Mexico for the fear of organized crime or for being conhabined with him and these collapses with the police authorities are common everywhere. The Attorney General’s Office has taken care of the case, all clothes, shoes and objects have been removed and the public has been shown in case a family member recognizes the garments of their disappeared. But anger with state investigation is excessive. So many wasted clues. The farm is now completely struck, because they have covered on the floor to search for clues. In some of those holes, a red banner indicates that there are “positive.” In certain corners there are ashrisable mounds.

Bandelas placed in the places where human remains are being sought.

The ranch has opened to the public ,. How many boys and girls passed by, how long, survived, who are those bones found, what happened exactly there and since when? There is nothing to tell while the Prosecutor’s Office does their job, but they have already warned the disaster of those who had to collect the evidence, and the search engines fear that, once again, the potato hot to each other will be thrown and the matter closes without results. It is assumed that the field of atrocious training was in the hands of the Jalisco Nueva Generación poster, which governs the area, but that is not safe.

On the ground without in one of the pavilions rest some weights to make muscle, which are actually two oxidized cans full of cement and there are other irons on the wall that also seem destined for physical exercises. “They want them strong,” in reference to the forced recruitments of the crime. Beside her, a young woman with the classic shirt that wears the image of her missing person, finds no comfort, sitting on the cobblestones are thrown into their friends from the collective.

The area in which the recruited apparently trained.

In Mexico there are 124,000 missing in official lists for a few decades. The oldest were prey to the State itself, in what was known as the dirty war, when the military and the police disappeared to the disaffected of the regime. Those of now are the responsibility of organized crime. Some voluntarily enter their ranks; Others are kidnapped every day in the neighborhoods, in the streets, on the roads and never see them again. Some will be dead, but others perhaps passed the terrible learning in one of these fields to kill and have become criminals. Everyone is looking for their mothers.


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