Mintaj is often an underestimated fish, which is not only cheaper than cod, but also has an incredibly delicate taste and provides many valuable nutrients, thanks to which it is worth adding it to our menu. In addition, we can prepare it in many different ways. Check why you should choose a mint and how to use it in the kitchen.
Mintaj is a cod -shaped fish, so it is often simply defined by the cousin of popular cod. Mintaj occurs in the Pacific Ocean, and in our country we can usually buy it in the form of fillets. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that Mintaj comes from sustainable breeding.
It is also a fish that is famous for its extremely delicate taste. Its meat is distinguished by its fragility and the lack of intensive aroma. Mintaj’s advantages also include the fact that it does not contain a large amount of bones.
In order to compare Mintaj to other fish, it is worth considering their caloric content, as well as the nutrients they provide. To this end, it is worth using the comparison of the value of three popular fish. It turns out that in:
- 100 g Morszczuk Contains 89 kcal, 0.36 g of omega-3 acids, 17.2 g protein, 142 mg phosphorus, 25.3 µg vitamin A, 50 mg cholesterol.
- 100 g mall It has 92 kcal, 19.44 g protein, 56.2 mg EPA and DHA acids, 71 mg cholesterol, 221 mg phosphorus, 14 µg vitamin A.
- 100 g cod It is 82 kcal, 18 g protein, 0.2 mg of omega-3 acids, 43 mg cholesterol, 12 µg vitamin A, 203 mg phosphorus.
So you can see that Mintaj definitely reigns when it comes to the content of omega-3 acids, which are very important to our health. First of all, they are of great importance in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they allow you to reduce the risk of neurological diseases.
What’s more, Mintaj also provides more protein than the others . It also contains large amounts of phosphorus, which supports the effect of the nervous system and strengthens bones and joints. However, when it comes to other parameters, it falls similarly to the other fish.
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We can prepare a minty in many different ways. In addition, during proper heat treatment, it does not lose its nutrientsSo we can not only bake it, but also fry and grill.
This fish is great as a component of breaded fillets that can be served with potatoes and salad. Mintays can also be baked in an oven with vegetables and aromatic herbs or served in cream or tomato sauce. It is also a product that is perfect for fish soups. In the dietary version, however, we can steam it, serving with a slight salad and porridge.