The minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, (PT), intends to concentrate those of the government with Congress, previously divided with other ministers, and position itself as a direct articulator between the President of the Republic and the summits of the centrion dominated.
Gleisi’s allies speak of a change in the model of political articulation. After a period when leaders stared at the relationship with the government with little confidence, these allies say that the minister can make negotiations with greater support from Lula, prioritizing party leaders and actively participating in each stage of negotiations.
The minister’s first week in office was overshadowed by a statement in which Lula said he put one.
To talk about the challenges Gleisi will have in articulation with Congress when taking over the ministry, Priscila Camazano hosts the reporter on Friday (21), live at 18h.
Broadcast live direct from the newsroom of the Sheetin downtown São Paulo, the program from airs from Monday to Friday, through the channels of the newspaper Na, Na, Na and Na.
After the broadcast, the full conversations is available on the TV Folha channel on YouTube and also in audio version in the main podcast aggregators.
In addition to the daily program, TV Folha publishes on YouTube interviews, reports and minidocs on different news of the news.