What is behind the “shower of blood” that made red the coast of an Iranian island

by Andrea
What is behind the “shower of blood” that made red the coast of an Iranian island

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What is behind the “shower of blood” that made red the coast of an Iranian island

Last week, the bathers of an Iranian island came across a strange view. The sand became alive red, as if the coastline had been painted with blood.

Second, the phenomenon in Ilha de Ormuz was captured in viral videos that accumulated dozens of millions of views, showing the torrential rain to wash the soil carmesim from the mountains from the island to the ocean.

“In the case of blood rain, strong winds or storms can raise dust and sand,” explains the Met Office from the United Kingdom.

He adds that “as these dusts spread through the air, they can be caught by atmospheric circulation, where they can be transported during thousands of kilometers. Finally, the dust falls from the sky due to gravity or is caught by the rain clouds, where it mixes with the water droplets. When they fall in the form of rain, the rain drops may seem red.”

However, in Ormuz, the Red hue is not due to the dust transported by the windbut to the island’s own soil.

Ormuz Island is often designated by “Rainbow Island”Due to its Multicolores mineral depositsrich in iron oxide (also known as rust). It is this compound that gives to the ground of the area its red characteristic tone.

When heavy rains fall, this Solo rich in iron is dragged from the mountains to the sea. As the minerals mix with seawater, the coastline becomes deeply red.

In addition to iron oxide, there are also layers of clay, carbonates, shale and rich iron rocks that have created a color kaleidoscope, since Deep red to yellow and vibrant oranges.

The videos show the water of the full cascade through the rocky slopes, taking with it the Red Crateristic Solo of the island.

The inhabitants and entrepreneurs of the island of Ormuz learned to take advantage of the phenomenon of “blood rain“. The island of Ormuz became a compulsory destination for curious travelers.

Visitors wake the island to witness the rare eventthat I often coincide with heavy rainfall. The vision of the red waves beating on the coast, with the background of the island’s colorful mountains, is simply mesmerizing.

Teresa Oliveira Campos, Zap //

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