United States President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 at his limousine next to his wife, Jackie, a few minutes before being murdered.
Thousands of pages of records of the investigation to the death of John F. Kennedy were released by the White House, and can be consulted online. But what do they reveal again?
Donald Trump’s administration has made available to the public through the US website, 2,200 files com More than 63,000 pages records, including Photographs, Videos and Soundsin the context of the investigation to the death of the former president, murdered in 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
It will take some time to review all the documents and find out if they can really add new data to everything already known.
For now, there were no great bombastic news and many of the most important questions about the murder continue unanswered.
The former US naval lugmer Lee Harvey Oswald was condemned as the author of the murder, concluding that he acted as “Lone Wolf”without help from third parties.
But the fact that he deserted the then Soviet Union before returning home in Texas helped feed on Russia’s involvement, so much more in the middle of the cold warwith the latent tension between Americans and Russians.
Oswald was eventually murdered Two days after being arrested during the transfer of the prison where he was, which continued to feed the conspiracy theses.
Kennedy’s death files notice that Oswald was a terrible shooter
Some of the documents disclosed now by the White House, confirm what others had already indicted, that the Cia had Lee Harvey Oswald under the aim Long before Kennedy’s murder.
There are, namely reports of an Oswald trip to Mexico City, which was accompanied by CIA, and where it is reported that the former military man “spoke openly about killing Kennedy“.
There are also telegrams and memorandos of the CIA to discuss Oswald visits to Soviet and Cuban embassies During this same trip, which took place a few weeks before the murder.
But there is also information from CIA agents in St. Petersburg, Russia, finding that, according to the intelligence collected, it was Oswald was unlikely to be a KGB controlled agentRussian secret services.
This same memorandum stresses that “ [Oswald] closely and constantly as he was in the USSR. ”
The same document still expresses that Oswald was a bad shooterreporting an analysis to its aim while in the former Soviet union.
Despite this, he was able to murder Kennedy with a long distance shot.
Cia Methods Revealed and the bad relationship with Kennedy
Several documents also shed some light on the Kennedy’s relationship with Ciagiving a score of some turbulence between both parties, which is not exactly new.
There is a memorandum that reveals a written note from Kennedy’s advisor, Arthur Schlesinger, criticizing the Company and his Influence on US foreign policy.
This document also reveals the presence of In US embassies in other countriesnamely all of all allies as France.
Documents also reveal some of the CIA information collection techniques during operations, showing, for example, the use of a X -ray technology to show images from the inside of an objectthat would be used to detect hidden microphones.
Another file shows how the CIA used a system to label and Secretly identify telephone boots Manipulated public to intercept calls, using a visible ink only under ultraviolet light.
There are still files for publicizing
What was disclosed “does not include two thirds of the promised filesnone of the FBI’s recent discoveries, nor 500 IRS records, ”laments the Mary Ferrell Foundation vice president, a repository for files related to Kennedy’s murder, in statements cited by the news agency.
“However, this is the most positive news about the dissemination of JFK archives since the 1990s,” Morley assumes.
Cia and FBI will still have documents in their hands that were not disclosed for national security reasons.
Trump had promised that the files would be revealed without censorship, but this is not totally true. Some still include Data Rasted.
However, there is less censorship than in previous disclosures, namely in 2023, when Joe Biden’s administration made public a part of the investigation documents.