Your supermarket has a solution for a few crowns: get rid of mold in a moment

by Andrea

Do you have to fight with mold at home? Use this quite common means, follow the instructions, but mainly get rid of excess moisture!

Mold is not just nasty

Mold in the apartment is a nightmare you don’t want at any cost. Unfortunately, it is too common and you will certainly meet her.

Mold is unsightly and destroys all sorts of materials, but at the same time it also represents a health risk that you should definitely not neglect. For this reason, it is good to think about protecting hands and airways. When working, protect your face, not only if you use strong cleaning agents, but also so that you do not breathe mold spores.

The use of various homes in the fight against mold is nothing new. Vinegar was used for disinfection in ancient Egypt. The Romans mixed it with water and used it as a universal cleaner, which has proved to be so well that we are doing it today. Even in the Middle Ages it was one of the few available disinfectants. Although it is not as strong as peroxide or bleach, it is an effective cleaning agent that will relieve you with mold without damaging the materials.

How to get rid of molds will also explain this video from the YouTube channel Wikihow.

Source: YouTube

How does vinegar liquidate molds?

This common kitchen raw material contains acetic acid, which effectively destroys fungal spores and at the same time prevents their further spread. It is a natural, environmentally friendly and safe means.

Unlike bleach, it does not create vinegar toxic vapors, so you can use it in rooms where you sleep or cook. The vinegar smells, but the unpleasant odor will soon ventilate. In addition, it does not damage most surfaces, so it is suitable for tiles, plastic, wood, or even textile surfaces.

Although the vinegar is an effective means of disposing of molds, be prepared to repeat the application. It is also important to ensure that the place is dry, well ventilated and deprived of excess air humidity as possible.

You should also think about the cause of the problem. If you do not solve it, the mold will return again if the ideal conditions or moisture are ideal.

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How to use vinegar against mold?

Follow these several points and take care of cleaning, do not forget protective equipment.

  • Pour undiluted vinegar into a sprayer.
  • If you have essential oil from tea tree, lavender, oregano or citrus, add a few drops to the vinegar. These oils also counteract molds.
  • Spray it directly to the affected area and leave for at least 1 hour.
  • Wipe the place with a damp cloth. If necessary, scrub with a fine brush.
  • Try to clean the area as much as possible to get rid of all the remains of the mold.
  • If the surface can withstand, you can apply another layer of vinegar to the cleaned area and let it dry here.
  • In places where molds often occur, try to maintain drought. Other domestic remedies that reduce air humidity – for example, a bowl with edible soda, salt or rice can help.

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