6 most common surnames in Brazil and its meanings

by Andrea

Around here, some surnames are so common that it is difficult not to know someone who has them

(Photo: Reproduction/Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil)

Surnames are part of anyone’s identity.

They carry stories, traditions and even curiosities about the origin of families.

In Brazil, some surnames are so common that it is difficult not to know someone who has them.

But have you ever stopped to think about?

Knowing more about the story itself, or even about friends and acquaintances, is always interesting.

6 most common surnames in Brazil and its meanings

1. Silva

Silva is undoubtedly the most popular surname in Brazil. According to IBGE, more than 30 million Brazilian carry this name.

He originates in Latin from the word “Silva”, which means “forest” or “kills”.

In the past, it was used to identify people who lived near areas of forest or came from regions with a lot of vegetation.

Silva was very popular in the country, because it was already widely used in Portugal and was also given to many slaves brought during the time of colony.

2. Santos

On the other hand, Santos has a strong connection with religion. The word means “saints” in the sense of sacred or sanctified people.

In Brazil, the surname was quite common because of the All Saints Day, celebrated on November 1st.

Many children who had no surname received the name “dos saints” for being born on that date or being baptized in churches dedicated to the saints.

3. Oliveira

Among the most common surnames, Oliveira also has the origin related to nature.

It comes from the olive tree, known for the fruit, olive, which gives rise to olive oil.

The name began in Portugal, used to identify families who lived near these trees or who had some connection with the cultivation of olive trees.

4. Souza

Similar to the other surnames of this list, Souza, or Sousa, has Portuguese origin.

The name comes from a river called Sousa, which passes through that region.

So the first people to use this last name probably lived near this river.

In Brazil, Souza ended up gaining a “Z” in many spellings, but the meaning remains the same.

5. Pereira

Pereira comes from the Latin “Pereira”, which means “tree of pears”.

Like Oliveira, it was used to identify families who lived near these trees or worked with their cultivation.

In Portugal, the surname Pereira is old and traditional.

Upon arriving in Brazil, he became popular and is very common in various regions, especially in the interior.

6. Ferreira

Ferreira has a meaning linked to the craft of blacksmith. It comes from the Latin “Ferrum”, which means “iron”.

It was used to identify people who worked with metal or lived in places where iron mines existed.

Ferreira is a strong surname that represents the profession of many ancestors who helped build cities and villages, whether in Europe or here in Brazil.

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