6 Signs that a woman gives when she is very in the mood for someone

by Andrea

Everything in life is communication and message. And in the field of conquest, it’s no different

Scene from the Emily series in Paris. (Photo: Disclosure/Netflix)

There are some signs that a woman gives when she is very in the mood for a person, but many people do not realize.

They talk body, vocal, mental and also by physical touches. So, check out some indications that this special person may be interested in you:

6 Signs that a woman gives when she is very in the mood for someone

1. Seek to maintain eye contact with you

One point that draws attention when one person is in the mood for another is eye contact.

Thus, a woman usually keeps her look fixed and prolonged in the person she is interested in because she wants to show interest and emotional connection. It is an initial step for a possible relationship.

2. She shows attention to the smallest details in everything

When a woman is in the mood for someone, she seeks to demonstrate this through the details and the focus. So she shows that she cares a lot about the details of everything, especially with regard to you. This is because she wants to show that she values ​​what you say and does.

3. She laughs with you, even when things said is not funny

When you are interested in a person, they accompany your pace.

Thus, the woman wants to value the person and show that she likes the company, so she reacts positively to games, speeches and any kind of comment. The greater intention is to demonstrate that you are interested in you.

4. She responds quickly to messages on WhatsApp

When you are interested in a person, it is always available to exchange idea on WhatsApp.

A quick answer means priority and special attention to you. That’s because she doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to talk and maintain the emotional and affective connection.

5. She smiles and stirs her hair more than normal

Body expression speaks louder and in women this is often shown. Thus, the smile appears spontaneously, it moves more often on the hair that normal and gets excited when you see you.

6. She feels like getting to know you better and bets on physical touches

Physical touches increase a lot as it wants to connect with you.

In addition to a light touch on the arm or shoulder, it also seeks to deepen the personal issues of your life to get to know you better. It acts like this because they are unconscious ways of creating intimacy and demonstrating physical interest.

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