Ambition has gender. But it shouldn’t.

by Andrea

For a long time, they taught women that showing ambition was something to be avoided, especially when it was money. Talking about gaining well, negotiating an increase, seeking return on investments, or wanting to enrich sounded inappropriate, almost derogatory. As if our goals should be more modest and discreet, and how to have ambitions were exclusively allowed to male.

But female ambition should not be problematized, after all it is the legitimate desire to grow, to take on greater responsibilities, to generate value, and to be recognized for it. It is present in high performance professionals and should also be encouraged in men and women. The discomfort that still exists when a woman says, with all the letters, that she wants to make a lot of money, leading large projects, or multiplying her heritage is a reflection of stereotypes that should have been extinct. It turns out that, as they were not, they interfere directly on the ways of us see.

In 2020, a study by Banco UBS showed that 93% of Brazilians believe that their companions understand more of money and investments than them. Even among the most successful and informed, there is still a gap between capacity and trust-a gap that society has helped build and that it is up to us to undo.

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According to Anbima, only 35% of Brazilian investors are women. The IMF shows that less than half of women actively participates in the global labor market – against 72% of men. And, however, 49.1% of Brazilian homes are headed by women.

In other words: we are taking responsibility, but often without the tools – or the incentive – to also assume the financial control of our lives. And that needs to change.

Such a change begins even before financial education. It starts when we stop doubting that this is a subject our And we understand that we can learn, invest, make decisions – and win our ambitions. Education comes as an ally. Not so that everyone becomes experts, but to ensure the minimum necessary to choose with autonomy, without fear or dependence.

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This goes for everyone. But it is especially urgent for us women.

This little feminine intimacy with financial universe also prevents, for example, that many women with excellent performance negotiate, discuss bonuses or impose their terms in a contract. Not for lack of capacity – but for lack of training, and an environment that normalizes this conversation early on. It is structural, but it is possible to transform with access, information and incentive.

It is worth mentioning that we have advanced. The number of women investing in the stock market had a record increase of 7%. We are already more than 1.3 million in B3. It is an important growth. But we are still far from where we can – and deserve it – to arrive.

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Our ambitions need not be justified. We don’t have to apologize. The market has a lot to gain from more prepared, more confident and more ambitious women. Because when we dominate our own money, we also dominate our choices. And that changes everything.

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