Economic growth and climatic factors boosted sector; discharge was 38% in 2024 compared to the previous year
The combination of increasingly frequent heat waves and economy growth, with job creation and increased income, made the electronics industry grow 29% by 2024 compared to the previous year. 117.7 million units of different products were sold, such as refrigerators, televisions, fans and filters, air conditioning, among others, according to data from Eletros (National Association of Electronics Manufacturers), released this week.
The highlight was the air conditioning, which recorded a record of 5.9 million units manufactured, an increase of 38% from 2023 to 2024, causing Brazil to jump from 5th to 2 position among the largest manufacturers of the product on the planet, just behind China.
“There are 2 preponderant factors that made us achieve these results. The 1st is the economic. We had an increase in job creation, greater control of inflation in the 1st semester of last year, reduced interest rates in part of the year, which facilitates the acquisition of our products, which are usually in installments, and the portion needs to fit in the pocket of the population. Another predominant factor was climate. seek comfort, convenience and well-being ”said Jorge Nascimento, president of Eletros, after attending a meeting with the president, the vice-president and Minister of Development, Industry to Commerce,, and the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, at the Planalto Palace.
In the case of the brown line, which includes televisions, 2024 recorded the largest production of the last 10 years, and the 2nd largest in history, with 13.5 million units sold, with an increase of 22% compared to 2023. In the white line, which covers refrigerators, stoves, refrigerators and machines to take, the national industry recorded 17% growth in 2024, with 15.6 million units, practically the same indicators of the period Prepandy.
During the meeting with the president and ministers, the sector entrepreneurs presented the significant numbers of the appliance industry and called for the resumption of an economic scenario similar to last year.
“What we have talked about now, including Minister Haddad, is that it is important to have an still prosperous economic environment – we are talking about fiscal adjustment, inflation control, the issue of reference interest. If this is treated with the same care that happened in the first half of last year, we have an expectation of at least repeating the 2024 numbers, in a more optimistic version, and growing 10%.”said Nascimento, from the Eletros.
The Association brings together 36 companies, which employ about 200,000 workers and account for 3% of the national industry’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
“It’s not just oven that brings good news, but refrigerator, washing machine, TV, finally, and is a fact to be celebrated, because growing 29% a durable goods industry is exceptional in the world today.”emphasized Vice President Geraldo Alckmin. He also cited economic factors, such as increased employment, income and government industrial policies, as important in the result of this expansion.
With information from.