The clinker and clergy is a highly contagious viral disease that affects exclusively animals. Especially cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and rattle game. It does not affect people, horses, dogs and cats. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MPRV) of the Slovak Republic informed about it on the social network.
Symptoms of the disease include high fever, blisters and aphthae in the oral cavitythat causes drooling, also Blisters and ulcers in the hoof area A drama causing curvature. It may also be present Reduced appetite and weight loss. The Ministry has explained that the transmission of the disease may be caused by direct contact between infected animals. Also contaminated feed, water, shoes, clothing and work tools. The air spreads over long distances.
The disease cannot be treated, there is only supportive care. “Vaccination is possible, but it does not exclude the spread of the virus. The only prevention from spreading and the possibility of protecting other breeds is to spend infected animals,” The ministry approached. The consequences of the disease are significant economic losses – a decrease in milk and meat production. Also quarantine and strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus. “Animals must be spent,” adds Agrorezort.
The disease of the clinker and Krivačka is confirmed in the breeds of cattle in three municipalities in the south of Slovakia – in Medveďov, Nnáda and Bake. The disease apparently got to Slovakia from Hungary.
According to the mayors
The situation in the municipalities in the south of Slovakia, which confirmed the disease of the clinker and the crocus, is calm. For TASR, this was confirmed by the mayors of the municipalities of Baka, Medveďov and Ňárad in the Danube district. The village of Baka was also visited by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Richard Takáč on Saturday afternoon.
As the ministry informed on the social network, the measures necessary to stop its dissemination are currently implemented at the site of the disease. “The surroundings of the farm in Baka are closed. Unauthorized persons are forbidden to enter the farm. All vehicles must be disinfected when the municipality exits. We also monitor the situation on the site with the help of modern technology and do all the steps to protect other farms, ”said Ministry.
Starosta Baky Juraj Bertalan He noted that the situation in the village was peaceful. “Of course, we are not pleased that we have to struggle with such problems. However, people are disciplined and we regularly inform them about the measures taken. Cooperation with state authorities and veterinarians is very good, ”he said.
Similarly evaluated the situation and Mayor of Medveďova Ladislav Kulacs. “The atmosphere in the village is normal as far as possible. We are trying to inform our residents to be unnecessarily afraid and know what to do. Everything goes exactly according to the instructions of veterinarians. The farm is closed and there is a vaccination of animals, ”Kulacs said.