Igor Coronado, who is recovering from a right thigh muscle injury, participated in part of the training and may be an option for Thursday’s game
On Saturday morning (22), he held his first tactical training at CT Joaquim Grava, aiming at the decisive match of the Paulista Championship against. Under the guidance of coach Ramón Diaz, the team was divided into offensive and defensive sectors after an activation session at the academy and pass exchange exercises. , which is recovering from a right thigh muscle injury, participated in part of the training and may be an option for Thursday’s game. The player has not entered the field since the draw against Guarani, which took place on February 23.
Due to the FIFA data, training was absence of some important players such as Carrillo, Felix Torres, Romero and Martínez, who are representing their teams in international commitments. The final of the Paulista Championship is scheduled for Thursday, at Neo Chemistry Arena. Corinthians arrives for this decision after winning the first game 1-0, with a goal from Yuri Alberto.
*Report produced with the aid of AI
Posted by Fernando Dias