Cultivate roses in pots on the balcony? Here’s how to make them flourish great

by Andrea

Cultivating roses in the pot on the balcony may seem like a company from expert gardeners, but I assure you that, with the right precautions, you too can enjoy spectacular blooms without having a garden. Just a sunny corner, a little patience and, of course, some makeups that do not always find written on the back of the soil bag.

You never wondered if yours balcony Could you turn into a fragrant corner, full of colors and velvety petals? Yes, even if you were not born with the green thumb. Cultivate roses in pots Not only is it possible, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Imagine going out in the morning with coffee in hand and finding yourself in front of a rose in full bloom: it is priceless. But be careful, because the roses, despite being queen, are also a little capricious. They want the right vase, the right light, and even the right mood, if we want to say it all.

In this article I will tell you about Where to arrange the vases To have the maximum of light, of how important it is not to drown the roots and that trick I use to make them explode of flowers between April and September. Do not expect magic formulas, but real advice, tested, and some small shortcuts. Are you ready to make space between the outdoor chairs and the barbecue to make room for a wonder that blooms?

Light, wind and … strategic position for your roses

Rose love the sun. It is not just a way of saying: without at least 5-6 hours of direct light a day, I tell you immediately, you will hardly see buds open. If you have a balcony exposed to the south, you are already halfway through the work. If, on the other hand, look north … well, you could opt for another plant or move the vase to the sunniest points depending on the time of the day. For example, I transformed the kitchen window sill into a transit area for “rest” roses.

Attention also to vento. A light breeze is welcome: it helps prevent mushrooms and mold, but if you live on the tenth floor with gusts to fly geraniums, consider sitting barriers or place the vessels near a protective wall. Roses do not like sudden shocks, not even meteorological ones.

And the vaso? Do not fall into the error of thinking that it is enough with any container. A too small vase suffocates the roots, one too large holds too much humidity. For the most compact roses, a 10-15 liter container is more than good. For climbers, you will need something more robust, even 40 liters or more. I prefer terracotta: breathate, it adjusts the humidity better and, let’s face it, makes its figure.

Land, water and a pinch of love (more fertilizing)

Here comes the moment truth: what a soil use? The roses are a bit snobbish. They love the draining but rich soils, and if you put in the pot that anonymous supermarket stuff … do not be surprised if nothing takes off. I use a mix of ready-made soil for roses, to which I add a little homemade compost (yes, even on a balcony you can have a mini-compartment) and a handful of pumice or expanded clay on the bottom to avoid stagnation.

Water It is another delicate matter. Too much makes the roots rot, too little makes them dry. The golden rule is simple: water when the first layer of earth is dry, but never when the sun beats. Morning early or evening, always. And never with frozen water. Do you want a balcony trick? I put a finger in the soil: if it remains clean, it’s time to water.

And then, the fertilizer. Here we do not escape. If you want cover blooms, you have to feed your roses. I use a specific liquid fertilizer every two weeks from April to September. When I have time (and desire), I prepare a macerate of nettle: it stinks to die but it works great. And if you are thinking that it is complicated, you are wrong: it’s like preparing a tea … just more smelly.

Small green thumb tricks (even if you don’t have it)

You can see you a couple of things that nobody tells you: the pots in pot love to be pampered. Remove the dried flowers Regularly, so the plant focuses on new buds. It revolves the vase every now and then, so it grows in a more harmonious way. And it always checks under the leaves: aphids and cochineal are lurking. I keep a sprayer with water and Marseille soap ready for use. Other than pesticides.

And then there is the mulch: It looks like a difficult word, but it is only a protective layer (bark, chips, even dry leaves) that maintains humidity and keeps the weeds at bay. On the balcony it is a blessing: less effort, more health for your rose.

Cultivate roses in pots on the balconyCultivate roses in pots on the balcony

In the end, cultivating roses in pots on the balcony is not a question of perfection, but of continuous cure, small gestures, careful eye. And also of mistakes, because it will happen to water too much or too little, to choose a wrong vase or to forget the fertilizer. But trust: when you see your first rose, open up in all its splendor … you will understand that it was worth it. And maybe, without even realizing it, you will find yourself with more roses than chairs on the balcony. And it will go very well.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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