In March 2006, then governor of, left the Bandeirantes Palace to apply for the Presidency of the Republic and passed the state’s main position to the hands of the deputy, Claudio Salvador Remembra, at that time PFL state president.
PSDB leaders, Alckmin’s party at the time-today he is in and is vice president of the Republic, in the government (PT)-believed that the lawyer and teacher of São Paulo Rememo would have a discreet political action, a behavior that had characterized him until then. In addition, the toucans expected without starting management. They missed one thing and the other.
Remembrance, who died at the age of 90, was governor for only nine months, from April 2006 to January 1, 2007, but faced a turbulent period of recent São Paulo history.
The cause of death was not disclosed. The governor (Republicans) decreed on Wednesday (19) official mourning of three days.
“Americans know September 11 [ataque ao World Trade Center, em 2001]the Spaniards know March 11 [ataque terrorista a trens, com 191 mortos, em 2004]. And we know May 12 [de 2006, dia inicial dos ataques do , Primeiro Comando da Capital]”Remembrance said at the end of that year.
On May 12, 2006, the CCP began chaos. For the next five days, in retaliation of the transfer of 765 prisoners, including the faction summit, the criminals promoted more than 300 attacks against state institutions, such as police stations and police posts. More than 50 security agents were killed.
The reactions – from the law and, especially, on the sidelines – did not take long. A hooded troop took to the streets to avenge the murder of police, leaving a balance of 505 civilians victims in ten days.
In an interview with Sheetpublished six days after the beginning of the attacks, “we have a very bad bourgeoisie, a very perverse white minority,” he said.
At the same time, he denied that the military police were leaving for revenge. “Every night there are clashes on the city streets and these conflicts were exasperated these days. But revenge, no. The police acted to avoid the worst for society.”
At that moment criticism arose that the CCP attacks had only ceased because the government had negotiated with the faction. Years later, he denied that the state had made an agreement with organized crime, but admitted that the meeting of a lawyer with Marcola, chief of the CCP, had contributed to the end of criminals’ actions.
There was, of course, a problem of extensive roots-it would be unfair, therefore, to attribute it only to the souvenir, which had taken over the state government a few weeks before the series of attacks. In any case, the balance was negative to him, who was forced to respond to the security crisis throughout his short time at Bandeirantes.
Remember was not the leader to the height of those tragic events. At the end of his term, he himself admitted that he had not been able to do what he expected to combat violence.
But his governor’s days, when he was 71, served to give visibility to two traces of his political personality: the conservative being willing to hear all ideological segments, including the left, and the rare phrasist, of unusual sincerity.
The arrangement for the dialogue was remembered on Wednesday by President Lula, who said he received the news of death with sadness.
“My friend since the 1970s has been a symbol of written politics like that, with a capital and conservative field representative, we always had differences and, at the same time, a capacity for frank, open and generous dialogue,” he said.
Remember he considered himself a liberal (admired) and also a conservative, but publicly disagreed with one current and another throughout his public life. Did not escape the dissonances. In the same interview in late 2006, he praised that he concluded his first term in the Planalto Palace, and said: “I was always a conservative. But not dumb. I see what is there. We live a social situation close to a volcano.”
Maintaining a clear political position (has always been affiliated with right or center-right parties) never meant moving away from those who thought otherwise. Talked to leaders of the Brazilian left, as
And there was still the politician of sharp phrases. “Since I’m old, I say what I think. What I can do is be clear and of course.”
The toucans expected to remembered appeasing behavior as governor, but received verbal petard.
In, when asked if he had prepared for a large crisis, such as the CCP, he said, “When I arrived at the government, the idea that St. Paul was in an exceptionally good, financially, socially situation. Hands, but a 68 Beetle, with the engine half cast. “
Born in the Liberdade neighborhood, in central São Paulo, Remembrance graduated in law at the Largo de São Francisco college in the late 1950s and soon began working in Itaú, under the command of
When nominated mayor of São Paulo by Governor Paulo Egydio Martins (Bionic Mayor, as he said) in 1975, Setubal invited Remembra to take over the extraordinary business portfolio. He reconciled the municipal position with the presidency of the Arena, the situation party in the state.
Three years later, he was defeated by Franco Montoro (MDB) in the Senate dispute, but obtained 1.3 million votes, a very significant number for the time.
I think that [meu desempenho] It was as much as possible, well, I don’t know. In the end, society understood that I got a horrible thing, which was the problem of public safety
In 1979, there was a curious situation, which reveals a little who was remembered and what was the arena. The lawyer was formally warned by the party for talking to Brizola weeks earlier. “I really feel the presence of authoritarianism, mixed by ridiculous provincialism,” he told Jornal do Brasil.
In three other moments over the next four decades, he held relevant positions in the São Paulo City Hall, demonstrating a long -term influence on the most conservative field of São Paulo politics. He was Secretary of Legal Affairs of A, in the management of Janio Quadros, of planning in 1993, under the administration of, and again of legal business, from 2008 to 2012, when he was mayor.
He also acted in the federal government, always next to. He was chief of staff of the Ministry of Education when the Pernambuco politician was at the head of the folder in the José Sarney government. He went back to Maciel again when his friend was vice president of Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
As a runner -up, Rememus lost an election and won another. A member of the Aureliano Chaves plate, he was defeated in the 1989 presidential dispute. He won 13 years later, alongside Alckmin, in the race for the São Paulo government.
In the mid -2010s, arriving at home, he returned to work as a lawyer and reduced his political activities, but did not lose the ability to surprise in public statements.
In 2020, when he was affiliated with Kassab’s PSD, Rememo criticized Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment. “It was a mistake, it did not make a crime, it was a political judgment and in Brazil there is no political judgments in the Constitution.”
Remembra leaves his wife, with whom he was married for over 60 years.
Alckmin, on a social network, lamented the death of Remembra and said he praised “the public spirit, the legal culture, the political vocation and the dedication to the magisterium that so well distinguished him in life.”
President of the PSD and secretary of the Tarcisio government, Kassab said that “if there is someone who fulfilled his mission, that someone was Claudio Rememo.” “Exemplary citizen, with excellent formation and a public man who does not leave a single negative observation.”
We have a very bad bourgeoisie, a very perverse white minority
I think President Fernando Henrique could have been silent. He should meet me and meet the government of SP
This is a great defect of our university. She is studying absolutely platonic, romantic things, studies Antonio Conselheiro and does not study the social reality of large Brazilian cities. Why did no sociologist interview the prisoners to understand the origin and motivation for crime? The university again became an elitist structure isolated from society
I was always a conservative. But not dumb. I see what is there. We live a social situation close to a volcano
The telephone pulse is expensive
Then it can be an amnesia problem, I understand. (…) I don’t know what’s going on. Perhaps he does not have access to Brazilian media, and did not see, did not watch. Or did not eventually get involved in such an bitter and sad episode