Diego and Dani expressed frustration for not being heard inside the house. According to Diego, only those who speak loudly are taken seriously.
“My personality makes me not speak loudly, not even when someone is screaming. Respect comes to those who speak loudly and are imposing.”
Dani also felt that his voice was ignored at important moments of the game.
“I felt it had not been heard, and that worries me.”
During the conversation, Diego was bothered by the lack of consideration in group decisions, as in the market. He mentioned that information was always directed to other participants while he was set aside.
Gui questioned Diego about his posture and if he imposed himself on the discussions. Diego admitted that when interrupted once he gave up insisting.
“If I’m interrupted, I won’t talk again.”
In addition, Diego criticized the group’s own attitudes without citing names, stating that some people have no sensitivity to see the difficulties of others.
“The pain of each is so large that they cannot see the pain of the other.”
Another discomfort was the pressure he received to move away from members of the other group during parties. He revealed that he was tried for approaching certain people and did not agree with this vision.
Aline warned Diego that some approximations may have been motivated by interest.
“If people’s proximity was not natural, you have to evaluate.”
Finally, Diego vented about the difficulty of imposing himself in the group and received an Aline advice:
“If you don’t have a different posture, it won’t attract different attention.”
The athlete still revealed discomfort when seen as someone who needs more time to understand certain situations, but admitted that he wants to improve.