Discussion between Vinicius, Renata, Aline and Eva gets hot in the house

by Andrea
Discussion between Vinicius, Renata, Aline and Eva gets hot in the house

An intense discussion took over the Big Brother Brazil 25 after a disagreement about the expression “dirty dove” used by Vinicius in a previous discussion. The chat involved Renata, Aline, Eva and even João Pedro, generating a great confusion about the meaning of expression in different regions of Brazil.

Renata stated that she considered the term offensive, while Vinicius insisted that in Bahia, “dove” refers to an animal, not a low -chased cursing. João Pedro, in turn, argued that in Goiás the expression has another meaning.

Aline criticized Renata for questioning the term only after quoting him in the live, implying that the leader wanted to put him in a bad situation. Eva entered the discussion defending her right to position herself, which generated a direct clash with Aline.

The disagreement between the sisters intensified, with Aline accusing Eve of seeking protagonism only now in the game, recalling a comment made by Tadeu Schmidt. Eva countered by stating that he will continue to position himself, regardless of criticism.

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