End of tears in the kitchen! These simple and brilliant tricks will forever get rid of unpleasant crying while slicing onions. Forget your eyes burning and try verified methods that work immediately. Your kitchen routine will turn into a pleasant experience!

Cibula cutting is one of the least popular kitchen activities. Singing eyes, tears and intense odors make few of us embark on it with enthusiasm. It is good to know that you can make the work significantly easier. What are the ways to cut onions without crying?

Why does the onion cry? Secrets revealed!

Why does the onion cause tears? All because of the gas that arises when fiber disruption. It is he who causes the eyes to start burning and tearing, and instead of the joy of the prepared food we are worried about an unpleasant effect.

When we cut the onion, we disrupt its cell structure. This leads to a chemical reaction in which a gas containing sulfur is released. This gas gets into the air and when it comes into contact with our eyes, it reacts with water to their surface and creates a weak sulfuric acid. It is this acid that irritates the eyes and causes lacrimation.

Fortunately, there are several proven tricks to help minimize this unpleasant condition. Some of them are surprisingly simple and effective!

How to cut onions without crying? A few simple methods that really work

One of the easiest ways is to cool the onions before slicing. Just put it in the refrigerator or freezer for approximately 30 minutes, limiting the excretion of the gas responsible for irritation.

Another effective trick is the use of a very sharp knife. Precise slicing minimizes the crushing of the fibers, which also reduces the release of the irritant. The dull knife crushes the onion cells more, releasing more irritating substances.

Some also recommend… igniting the candle next to the slicing board. Heat causes the steps up to climb up, so they do not get directly into our eyes. The candle flame attracts and burns gas molecules that would otherwise end up in our eyes.

You can also try to cut the onion under running water. Water helps to dissolve irritating gases before they get into the air. However, this method may be a bit impractical and dangerous, as the wet knife may slide.

Methods of slicing onion without tears. Discover how to easily avoid crying

Inserting a piece of bread between the teeth can look ridiculous, but is extremely effective. As a result, there is no tear on the face. The bread acts as a filter that captures irritating gases before they reach your eyes.

The pastry patent has one more variant. It consists in inserting a piece of bread under the upper pen – the effect will be similar. The bread absorbs fumes rising from the onion, preventing them from contacting their eyes.

Alternatively, you can use special protective glasses. For people who want to avoid manual slicing, a great solution will be the vegetable chisels – Devices do work for us, eliminating the problem of gas contact.

Another useful trick is slicing onion when the hood is on. Air extraction helps to drain irritating gases away from your face. You can also try to cut the onion near the fan on that will blow the fumes away from you.

Some chefs swear on the method of soaking the onions in the water for a few minutes before slicing. Water helps to reduce the amount of gas released. Just peel the onion, cut in half and soak in a bowl of water for 5-10 minutes.

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