Each organism is different. What works for one person does not necessarily have to be suitable for another. Start with lower intensity and gradually increase the load. If you feel pain, dizziness or discomfort, stop training. Rest and regeneration are as important as the effort itself. It is also worth consulting a trainer or a doctor, especially if you have any diseases.
Regular physical activity It has a positive effect on heart, respiratory and metabolism, which translates into more effective fat burning. It also strengthens muscles, slows down the aging process and helps to get rid of the so -called “tires” on the stomach. As research published in European Journal of Applied Physiology and Sports Medicinethe combination of strength and interval exercises can significantly increase the rate of fat burning.
Exercises at home also have the advantage that they do not require specialized equipment or expensive ticket fee – all you need is a mat, comfortable clothing and a desire to act. Even after 15-30 minutes a day, you will start to see the first effects.
If you have once heard about “board”, you know that this is one of the most popular exercises to strengthen Core muscles. Plank is an isometric exercise, engaging abdominal muscles, back, arms and legs. Its simplicity makes it ideal for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle spending long hours in front of the computer.
How to make a plank?
- Arrange yourself on the mat, leaning the body on the forearms (elbows placed under the shoulders) and on the toes of the feet. Make sure your body creates a straight line from head to heels.
- Stress your abdominal muscles. Imagine that you attract the navel to the spine. Do not forget about the activation of the buttocks – you will be easier to maintain stability.
- To start with, stand in this position 10-15 secondsand then increase strength to 60 seconds or longer.
When performing a plane, avoid falling hips or lifting them too high. These errors reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and can also lead to injury.
If you want to speed up metabolism and turn up the fat burning, choose Interval training using the Tabata method. This is an intensive, 4-minute training, which consists of 20 seconds of maximum effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest. The cycle is repeated eight times.
See also:
Tabata is not for everyone. Requires high strength and commitment, Therefore, people with heart problems, hypertension or poor condition should consult a doctor before starting this type of training. However, for most of us it is a great way to burn calories and body fat in a short time.
During intensive intervals The body begins to burn more calories not only during trainingbut also after its completion. This effect is called EPOC (Excess Post-Extecise Oxygen Consumction). Thanks to it, the body works on “repayment of oxygen debt” for a few hours after training, which contributes to further fat burning. Research, incl. Tabata, they showed that even short, intensive sessions can give spectacular results.
Let’s not forget about the classic cardio. If you do not like intense intervals or need rest after a hard day, fast march, cycling or skipping rope are great solutions. Beginners can start 10-15 minutes of moderate cardio and sometimes extend them.
Cardio improves heart and lung efficiency, accelerating weight loss and improving the overall condition of the body. Do not forget about a healthy diet. Exercises will help you burn fat, but without a caloric deficit, the effects will be limited. Make sure that the diet is dominated by full -fledged products, vegetables, protein and healthy fats, and reduce sugars and processed products to a minimum.
According to research published in Journal of Applied Physiology Regular HIIT intervals can increase the body’s efficiency and accelerate metabolism by several percent, even with very short training sessions.
Isometric exercises can also improve concentration and reduce stress. When you tighten your muscles, you release endorphins – happiness hormones that have a positive effect on the mood. Therefore, not only appearance, but also well -being can improve. And if you have a moment of free time, take a break and take a series of boards – even a few minutes a day can make positive changes.