How to clean the stained marble of the kitchen and the bathroom? The tricks you have to know

by Andrea

Cleaning the stained marble of the kitchen and the bathroom looks like one of those companies that require the intervention of an alchemist, right? In reality, with some right tricks and a pinch of constancy, you can restore splendor even to the most neglected marble.

How many times have you happened to see Aloni, mysterious patches or, even worsethose hateful opaque spots that just don’t want to leave? Quiet, you are in excellent company. The marble is elegant, without a doubt, but also a little touchy: a drop of lemon or a trace of tomato is enough to ruin the day. And yours.

When I chose it for the top of the kitchen, I felt in an interior design magazine. Then I realized that it was also the beginning of a complicated relationship. Because if you don’t take it well, the marble takes revenge. That’s why know How to clean the stained marble It is essential, especially in the two rooms where stress as a stain reaches the historic tops: kitchen and bathroom.

In the next lines I will tell you how to intervene in a simple but effective way, without having to call a Louvre restorer. We will talk about Bicarbonate, Marseille soap, magical clothesbut also of what not to do, because the biggest damage often arises precisely from haste. You will also discover that some grandmother’s remedies still work, but they must be used with head. And then there are those small daily gestures that change your life (and marble). Curious? Then let’s start immediately.

The most common stains and remedies that really work

The scene is this: you just finished preparing a tomato sauce worthy of the best Tuscan trattoria, but you fall on a drop on marble top. Clean on the fly with the water, maybe even pass a little detergent for plates. Result? The halo remains there to remind you that Italian cuisine has a price. Because marble, as I said, is porous and absorbs everything with the speed of a sponge in the gym.

The first rule is: act now. If the stain is fresh, just warm water and a microfiber cloth. If, on the other hand, it has already been absorbed, reinforcements are needed. The most popular duo? Bicarbonate and Marseille soap. You just need to create a slightly dense pasta (no magical potions, just a little hot water, a teaspoon of baking soda and a grated soap). Apply on the stain, rub gently with circular movements and … wait. Not too much, five to ten minutes are enough.

But careful: if you are of those who love abrasive sponges, leave in the drawer. The marble can’t stand them. Always prefer a soft clotheven better if in microfiber or suede. And dried immediately. The water left there to evaporate leaves the classic opaque halo that makes so much “neglected”. Ah, and forget the anti -limescale products: too aggressive. Use them only if you like the chic ruined effect (spoiler: you will not really like it).

In the bathroom the number one enemy is called limestone. The stagnation of water, especially around the sink or in the shower, leave those lactiginous halos impossible to ignore. Here too, the bicarbonate combo + Marseille soap is a bomb. If you want an even more delicate approach, you can try only with baking soda and water, applying the mixture and then polishing with a dry cloth. Simple, right?

Homemade tricks, common mistakes and some uncomfortable truths

I will reveal a small secret to you: not all the “do-it-yourself” remedies are harmless. For example, you’ve ever heard of the pumice stone To whiten the marble? It works, of course, but it is abrasive. If you use it on a shiny and new marble, you risk doing more damage than anything else. Better to leave it as the last beach for old yellowed windowsions.

Then there are the remedies that seem brilliant but they are traps: lemon, vinegar, bleach. All acids, all sworn enemies of marble. Use them once and maybe nothing happens, you use them two and you find yourself with a beautiful opaque patch in the shape of a “error”.

And for the most stubborn stains, like oil or rust? There, my friend, the best solution is to ask an expert. It’s not an elegant way to say “I don’t know what to do”. It is that certain professional products must be chosen based on the type of marble, finish, color. In short, it takes eye.

But if you like to experiment (with caution!), You can also create a DIY Natural Detergent. Mix 2 liters of hot water, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 150 ml of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of Marseille soap in flakes. Start well, pour into a sprayer and go: it is perfect for everyday surfaces, both in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

A dispassionate advice? Always test on a hidden area. Because each marble is a separate universe, and what works on your bathroom shelf could make a disaster on the top of the kitchen.

The simplest gesture is also the most effective

Do you want to know the most underestimated makeup ever? Dry immediately. Yes, that’s right. After each cleaning, even just after washing your hands or cooked a quick dish, pass a dry cloth. That gesture for a few seconds makes the difference between a shiny marble and one marked by time.

And maybe keep a small kit at hand: microfiber cloth, baking soda, Marseille soap and hot water. You don’t need anything else to become a marble ninja. In conclusion, clean the marble It is not an exact science, but almost a ritual. A balance between respect for matter and practical spirit. And once you get your hand, you almost make us peace. Almost.

How to clean the stained marbleHow to clean the stained marble

If you have chosen the marble for your home, It is because you love timeless elegance. And keeping it alive is simpler than it seems. Just know how. Or, better, know what to avoid.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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