Half of the voters who know the name of the first lady Rosângela da Silva, the Janja, disapprove of her role in the Lula administration. The information is for research conducted by the power of publicity released this Friday, 21.
According to the survey, of the 83% of voters interviewed who said they met Janja “well” or “knowing to hear”, 50% disapprove of their participation in the government of her husband, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT).
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Her stake is approved by 29%, while 21% could not answer. The research was conducted with 2,500 people. When the evaluation is analyzed stratified by demographic clippings of sex, age, region, education, income and religion, the most rejects the first lady are: voters from the northern region (57%), people over 60 (53%) and those with two to five minimum wages (53%).
Compared to a study of before the beginning of the mandate, her image is more widespread in the Brazilian imagination. In September 2022, 28% of respondents told the one to get to know “good” Janja, while 35% knew “to hear” and 37% did not know.
Now, the 83% who know her are divided between 46% who say they know her “to hear” and 37% who claim to know her “well”. Only 17% declare not knowing the first lady.
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The survey listened to 2,500 voters by telephone call, between March 15 and 17. The margin of error is 2 percentage points, more or less, and the confidence level is 95%.
Honorary position to ‘be able to act’
This Friday, 21, the Minister of Institutional Relations, Gleisi Hoffmann, argued that Janja has a “honorary position” without remuneration in the federal government, to be “able to act”.
“I argue, yes, that [Janja] have a honorary position, [então] It will not receive anything, be it legalized, because it is important until it can be accountable, talk, I see no problem, ”said the minister in an interview with CNN.
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As Estadão showed, although he has no formal position in the government, Janja, has a team of at least 12 people at his disposal. The group includes a press officer, photographers, social networking experts and a military man as an order assistant
The newspaper also showed that Janja traveled to Rome with trials in the executive class, in possible disagreement with the rules for issuing tickets in the Federal Executive Power. The case is in calculation at the Federal Court of Audit.
With participation in travel agenda and a remarkable presence in the government, even representing Brazil in international events, the first lady was the subject of criticism of opposition and organizations such as international transparency.
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The entity charged the government for denying public information requirements on Janja activities. After charges, she started publishing her official schedule on social networks, but recently locked the bill and stopped with public disclosures.