Juka can bloom all summer. Just give it to it

by Andrea
Juka can bloom all summer. Just give it to it

Yucca It is a plant that can happen A real showcase of the garden. However, it is worth ensuring its correct care. It is primarily about fertilization. For proper growth, the plant needs ingredients such as azote, potassium, phosphorus i calcium. For this reason, when choosing fertilizer, it is good to choose a means containing these substances.

should be fertilized at the beginning of spring, i.e. at the turn of March and April. It’s good to use multi -component freelancement fertilizerswhich will provide the plant for a longer period the right dose of nutrients. Funds in granulated form are popular, which is enough to mix with the top layer of soil, and then water.

Nothing prevents the yuka to power with organic fertilizers. We are talking here, among others compositionwhich will have a positive effect on the soil structure. Appropriate juice fertilization will make the plant at the beginning of summer It will sprinkle with beautiful and lush flowers.

Proper care It will make the plant bloom beautifully. First of all, it is worth remembering not to water it too often. Juka does not require large amounts of water – Too abundant irrigation can contribute to the development of diseases such as among others Fytoftoroza.

Importantly – the procedure to remember is regular weeding juki. Some gardeners also use mulchingwhich can limit the development of weeds around this plant. The litter is best made of small pebble the sand. Avoid the chips or bark of conifers, and this is due to their properties to acidify the soil. It should be emphasized that the juka increases best in a pH of about 6.0-7.0.

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