Non-Binary Passenger Mete Ryanair in court because there is no option of “neutral genre”

by Andrea
Non-Binary Passenger Mete Ryanair in court because there is no option of “neutral genre”

Non-Binary Passenger Mete Ryanair in court because there is no option of “neutral genre”

Due to the lack of a gender neutral form of language, a non-binary person is processing Ryanair in Germany.

Or Herr (Lord) or Frau (Lady) or miss (Girl). In Ryanairthe gender option non-binary does not exist.

For this reason, a passenger is suing the airline, claiming that this “Discrimination caused pain and suffering”.

The case began to draw when the passenger tried to reserve a flight of Berlin for Gran Canaria in October 2021.

The passenger was discriminated against when, at the time of the reserve, he saw only the options Herr, Frau e miss.

A statement from the Federal Association of Trans, quoted by the describes that the person with a “non -binary gender identity” wanted to reserve the flight, but has not seen available a neutral address in terms of gender.

This situation will have caused damage to the client, which, according to the Federal Association, Ryanair refused to solve. Submitted complaint, the case went to court.

Therefore, in July 2023, the non-binary person filed a lawsuit under the general law of equal treatment for discrimination and required a compensation for pain and suffering in the amount of 5,000 euros.

The customer also required the airline to change its reservation platform to offer a neutral title option in terms of gender. The trial started this Wednesday in Berlin.

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