One teaspoon is enough for peonies to drown in flowers. Homemade fertilizer works wonders

by Andrea
One teaspoon is enough for peonies to drown in flowers. Homemade fertilizer works wonders

Peonies are perennials, which are the decoration of our gardens for years. They love the sun, but they don’t like exaggeration. In spring, apply a home fertilizer to them, which will make them easier to take nutrients from the ground.

If you notice that your peonies bloom more and more every year, you may make mistakes in their care. Peonies like a slightly acidic soilhelps them take nutrients from the ground. Planted next to the often limited lawn, they will be vaining in the eyes. Fortunately, there is a simple way to get rid of this problem. Homemade lemon acid fertilizer will slightly acidify the soil and make the peonies recover the former vigor.

Preparation of the mixture is extremely simple. Melt a teaspoon of citric acid in five liters of water and water the peonation solution. Just do it once a year, in early spring. Too much citric acid can harm the plant. In spring, such a fertilizer will cope well with mushrooms, which could develop during winter and immune to them.

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In addition to the fertilization, the spring of peony requires additional care. It is not worth skipping them because they will decide about the abundance of flowering and the size of the flowers. Above all Do not be late with a photo of their winter coverwhich was supposed to protect them from frosts. If you do it too late, the plant threatens to rotting buds.

After winter, it is worth loosening the soil around the peonieswhich will improve its structure and help food ingredients go deeper. They can also be carried with compost. Mulching will also be useful for peoniespreferably with frames or coniferous bark. This will allow you to slightly acidify the soil. These few simple procedures will make the peonies in the late spring to bend under the burden of flowers.

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