Perfect Easter grandmother. Delicate, soft as fluff and simple to do

by Andrea
Perfect Easter grandmother. Delicate, soft as fluff and simple to do

Easter grandmother This is a traditional baking that has been guests on the holiday tables of Polish women and Poles for years. The history of grandmother dates back to the end of the 17th century – then she was baked in the Commonwealth of nations. Over time, the specialty also went to other European countries. Traditionally Easter grandmother was prepared on Good Friday. Even before the era of electric ovens, grandmothers baked in wood -fired furnaces.

The baked grandmother often embellishes various decorations. First of all, icing, powdered sugar, chocolate or dried flowers are used for this purpose. Thanks to this, Easter grandmother not only tastes delicious, but also looks great.

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Wanting to prepare Easter grandmotherit is good to use a simple recipe, from which this specialty will come out delicate and soft like fluff. To prepare this Christmas baking you will need:

  • 320 g of cake flour,
  • 6 medium -sized eggs,
  • 250 g of butter (1 and a quarter cubes),
  • 220 g cukru,
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar,
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder,
  • A small amount of butter to spread the mold.

A way of preparing Easter grandmother It is not complicated. Just follow the recipe, step by step. It is worth removing the ingredients from the fridge in advance so that they are at room temperature – thanks to which they will connect easier.

  1. First, get a bowl to which we sift the flour. We add baking powder and mix the whole.
  2. We take a second, slightly larger bowl and with the help of a mixer, grind butter with sugar and vanilla sugar.
  3. When the mass becomes fluffy, we add one egg to it (mix at low speed). Then we gradually supplement the mass of previously sifted flour with baking powder (preferably one spoon). Mix until the whole becomes uniform.
  4. We take the form to Easter grandmother and smear it well with butter. Then pour the previously prepared mass into it.
  5. We bake Easter grandmother in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for about 40-45 minutes (heating up -down). After this time, it should be ready (we can check with a wooden stick).

After pulling out and cooling grandmother It is worth decorating it. This can be done with powdered sugar or prepare sweet icing or chocolate coating.


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