Phytosanitary Counseling Center Josef Gall – Pelargonie

by Andrea

Would you like to know what your plants are bothering? Send us a photo with a question, and our expert will advise you.


I ask you to ask you. As every year, in the autumn I cleaned geraniums and planted new shoots, unfortunately both new and some older plants begin to grow deformed leaves and begin to dry. Please advice what disease is and what would help the plants. Jana Štěpánková, e-mail question

The deformation of the leaves of your geraniums could have been caused in the autumn before transferring the plants of houses, a drift of herbicide applied to winter cereals or a lawn. In good growing conditions, plants can improve, but heavily damaged plants will probably die.

The health of strawberries

Please advice. Last year we were molding strawberries before ripening. In addition, the leaves were dotted – I do not know whether both problems are related or not. Can we prevent this season from preventive measures of rotting strawberries? Pavel Berka, Teplice

Dotted leaves caused the disease – white and purple spots of the leaves of strawberry. Older and denser stands are attacked, in which the removal of old and infested leaves is not carried out. It is recommended to get the infected leaves immediately after harvesting the leaves of the strawberry and subsequently fertilize. If you didn’t do it in the fall, do it early in the spring. If you have only a flower bed of strawberries, it is enough to remove only older infected leaves.

Fruit molding causes disease Gray Hill of Strawberry or mold gray (Botrytis cinerea). It occurs mainly in older dense stands. It spreads primarily in rainy and warmer weather and attacks leaves, flowers, immature fruits, and especially ripening and ripe fruits that soften and rot. The attack is mainly decided by the weather, the microclimate of the locality, the condition of the stand and the susceptibility of the variety. The most sensitive to infection are flowers two to three days after flowering.

In addition to maintaining air stands (weeding, balanced fertilization, suitable mulching), in prone varieties you can not do without early (at the beginning of flowering) chemical treatment, which after seven days repeat the permissible preparations Monili Spala tracks, Mythos 30 SC, mold on strawberries, Scala, Signum, Switch, Teldor 500 sc. The application fluid dose is at least 1000 l/ha.

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Damaged fruits

For the first time this year, fruits appeared on the five -year -old this year, which have recently begun to form black spots that increased. The fruits began to soften until they were completely degraded. No chemical products were used. Please information if it is possible to find out the cause and if there is any protection in the future? Vlastimil Štefánek, Chotěboř

Black spots on the fruits of this could be caused by a “sunburn”. This may happen if you remove branches with leaves that have overshadowed the fruits in the summer.

About the author

Josef Gall He has been devoted to Phytosanitary, as well as plant cultivation since 1970, when he completed the University of Agriculture in Brno. He worked in the Central Audit and Test Institute of Agriculture in the Plant Protection Department, so far is an active member of the Czech Society of Phytosanitary.

Source: Recipe magazine

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