The President of the Acre Court of Justice (TJAC), Laudivon Nogueira, in an interview with On the sceneo podcast to ContilNetthis week, talked about the repercussions of the magazine report Cenariumwhich points out that the TJAC judges receive remuneration of up to R $ 244 thousand per month.
TJAC Headquarters, in Rio Branco. Photo: Reproduction
The survey, conducted by Cenarium And released on January 20, based on data from the Court’s Transparency Portal, in the section that deals with the remuneration of the servers, indicates that the highest income exceeded the ceiling of the functionalism by more than 450%. The base income of the magistrates in the period was R $ 39,700, but, turbocharged by “eventual gains”, reached significantly higher values, according to the report.
Laudivon stated that the TJAC does not create any rule when it comes to the remuneration of the magistrates.
Laudivon is president of TJAC/Photo: Contilnet
“TJAC always follows what the CNJ has as a norm. We are one of the courts recognized for this, as a golden court, because we follow the transparency and regularity of our actions. When it comes to remuneration, the TJAC can do nothing that is not authorized by the CNJ. So, we do not create anything. If a judge goes on vacation and receives his 13th salary, it adds to his remuneration. This also adds. If you look at the transparency portal, you will see a high salary, but not necessarily because it is his fixed salary. He does not receive that value every month.
“If the judge has accumulated a rod with another, he is entitled to a proportional remuneration, because he had to work on both his rod and a colleague who went on vacation. Someone has to assume this function. The CNJ determines that these payments are made. It is not the court that decides, there is a resolution that requires payment.
Nogueira also stated that the Transparency Portal, a tool that shows the remuneration of public servants, does not discriminate in detail the amounts received by the magistrates – which, in his opinion, contributes to the impact caused by the disclosure of the data.
Twelve TJAC Judges/Photo: Contilnet
“When someone accesses the portal and sees the salary of the judge added to bonuses for work in another unit, vacation, 13th or compensation for late payments, it can be scared. But in fact, it is not quite. The news does not detail the composition of these values. The portal only shows the total amount, without discrimination,” he said.
PEC Spells Cut
The judge also commented on the PEC of the spending cutting package presented by the Lula administration and sent to Congress last year. The proposal provides for changes in the remuneration of the magistrates, directly impacting the payment of indemnity funds to members of the judiciary and the Public Prosecution Service.
At the time chaired by Judge Regina Ferrari, the TJAC followed the understanding of the São Paulo Court of Justice – the largest state court in the country – and criticized the project as soon as it was sent to Congress.
“The text compromises consecrated rights of the national judiciary and threatens institutional stability,” said the TJAC, classifying the measure as a “setback” and pointing out that it can result in a “exodus of magistrates.”
Regina Ferrari spoke on the subject by means of a note and stressed that about 40% of the magistrates already have the necessary requirements for retirement and, due to PEC, may choose to retire immediately. This would imply the need for new public tenders to replace staff, generating even higher costs to the purse, which contradicts the tax purpose of the measure.
Laudivon Nogueira agreed with Ferrari’s evaluation:
“The difference between the remedy and the poison is the dose. Any remedy can become poison. Of course we need to have expenses control. The government cannot be something uncontrolled, without transparency in spending. I am in favor of transparency. But be careful that the dosage does not harm the judiciary.
We have very experienced colleagues, with a long trajectory in the judges, judges and highly qualified judges throughout the country, who remain active because they receive the permanence allowance. If there is a severe cut and this allowance is extinguished, what will motivate them to continue working? Nothing. They retire, because they will continue to gain the same value in inactivity and can still perform other activities. Who loses with it? The judiciary and society.
The formation of a judge is laborious. It is not a course of one or three years. It is a long process that requires preparation and accompaniment. How to form new magistrates quickly if there is a stampede of professionals? The number of judges is already insufficient, and everyone knows it. I am in favor of control, but we cannot be so rigid as to discourage your career. If the professional realizes that he can advocate and earn much more, why would he continue in the judiciary? ”He concluded.