Reduce or exempt from land and buildings taxes could be carried out by persons who care for a dependent child or more children, such as only in the case of single -noders. This should improve the economic situation of these persons currently facing financial difficulties, as all household costs and raising children bear themselves.
This stems from the draft amendment to the Act on local taxes and local fee for municipal waste and small construction waste that Opposition MPs from the Progressive Slovakia movement (PS) submitted to the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic.
“The proposed legislation will reduce the economic burden of persons who self -care for a dependent child or more children and who often face poverty and difficulties with the coverage of basic life costs, which creates a prerequisite for improving their standard of living and family stability,” The opposition MPs stated in the explanatory memorandum.
The reduction or exemption from these types of tax will contribute to greater social integration They often live on the poverty line and thus reduce the risk of social exclusion and increase solidarity in society.