A Judge of Valladolid has decreed and record at least seven women in his consultations of the Private Hospital Heart of the city. The National Police has arrested the doctor in Burgos, where he has his residence, after receiving two complaints in three weeks, the last of a patient who assured that the doctor was proposed with her during a consultation and that, in addition, it was recorded during the process with the mobile phone.
This last complaint arrives three weeks after another woman denounced the investigated for something very similar, although the doctor then was released. The police action has discovered on his phone “those who motivated the arrest”, without ruling out that they are more affected. The home registration has served to find “six mobile phones, two hard drives, three tablets, six memory cards, five laptops, two photo cameras, two minicamals and three pendrives,” according to police sources.
The authorities do not rule out the appearance of more victims due to the characteristics of the facts reported and proven so far. The National Police explained that on March 3 the man was first arrested for a crime of “sexual aggression and crime against privacy, after being denounced by a patient who made touching and recordings with his mobile phone in the consultation where he served.”
The court then ordered to analyze the doctor’s device and this study has served to confirm that there were then six affected women, with a total of 10 recordings. Sources close to the case detail that he urged patients to shed their underwear and/or made improper touching for the ailments or diseases for which they went to the health center.
The next complaint to the Police arrived on March 17, when another woman referred to those possible crimes of sexual aggression and against privacy by this person. Then, as reported by the Government Subdelegation, the doctor’s search was intensified until he found it in a house in Burgos and stop it on the 21st day. The home registry has allowed to find the following technological devices: six mobile phones, two hard drives, three tablets, six memory cards, five laptops, two cameras, two mini -scars and three pendrives.
The Subdelegation has specified that the suspect has passed this Saturday at the judicial provision and the magistrate has ordered the entry into provisional imprisonment waiting for the progress of the investigation and the analysis of all the technological devices found in his home.
The World – Diario de Valladolid He said that the defendant is about 38 years old and that a while ago, during his formative stay as a resident, he was sentenced to a year in prison for placing cameras and recording his companions in the costumes of the Valladolid Clinical Hospital, so he has a criminal record. Then he was also a section of employment and salary. Likewise, they detail that the first complaint against him, in early March, was filed by a 22 -year -old patient who came with a pain in his foot and that, despite that ailment, the doctor urged her to take off her clothes and then perform touching in the genital area.