“The moment of Santos will arrive,” says club president about SAF

by Andrea

It won’t be now, but Santos will still have the time to study the option of becoming a corporation of football well (SAF). This was one of the reflections of Marcelo Teixeira, President of Santoswho participated in a panel about SAF models in Brazil.

“Santos has had difficulties, especially in management,” says the president. “We wanted to make a transformation, either as SAF or as an associative club, but professional management,” says the president of Santos. The decision of the search as SAF, however, depends on more conversations and different approaches. Teixeira considers that, when Santos began to be considered as SAF, it was not yet time for sale because the club could be depreciated.

“It will not be Marcelo Teixeira or the current management [a decisão]. I believe it wasn’t time to be in the market like SAF, but the moment will come, ”he says.“ The main goal is to reveal talents, take a young man from a risk situation to make him an idol, ”he says.

“The moment of Santos will arrive,” says club president about SAF

“Santos anticipated the Pelé Law by creating contract mechanisms, which guaranteed the club’s permanence in the club,” he says. Teixeira recalls impressions and lines in the press, 2002, that the cast was too young and would not support the Brazilian Championship. The story proves otherwise [o Santos venceu aquela competição]. “Football is not an exact science,” he says, reinforcing the importance of talent revelation and social action.

“Clubs of the capital went to Santos to see what we had done. Today, Santos stayed in time, but it will nevertheless fulfill their task of revealing players,” he says.


Among the priorities of the president, when assuming the management, was the reconstruction of the club. “We put the Serie B trophy on the executive table so that no one ever forgets that we have gone through this moment,” he says. Teixeira says that among the losses, the credibility of the brand has also been shaken throughout management that it considers negative and that made Santos difficult.

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“The practical result is you rhythm a management, your goals, demand goals being achieved and we can put amateurism aside to put the practical-professional side. And so we have achieved,” he says. “We were looking for alternatives to improve our revenue seeking values ​​to fulfill our obligations.”

“This is causing Santos to expand its horizon,” says Neymar’s arrival. For Teixeira, the preservation of guarantees and traditions, as well as symbols, which support the value of the club brand such as Santos.

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