To prepare this vegan pistachio bread You will need:
- ½ teaspoon of baking soda,
- 1 ½ white chocolate (vegan) plates,
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder,
- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar,
- 1 cup of wheat flour,
- 1 cup of vegetable milk,
- 1 cup of pistachios,
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
- 5 tablespoons of sugar,
- pistachios to decorate the dough,
- A pinch of salt.
Thanks to the use vegan chocolate and vegetable milk The recipe does not contain animal ingredients. If this does not bother you, you can use classic chocolate and cow milk, but then pistachio bread will not be vegan.
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Pour apple cider vinegar and milk into the bowl, mix and Leave for about 5 minutes. Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Grease a glass of pistachios. Pour dry ingredients, i.e. baking soda, baking powder, wheat flour, ground pistachios, sugar and a pinch of salt into a large bowl. Mix the whole with a spoon. Pour in vinegar with milk and stir again. Add oil and mix until a homogeneous mass. Grease the baking mold with vegetable butter and sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs. Pistachine vegan dough, pour into the mold and put in a preheated oven for 35 minutes.
Remove the baked vegan pistachio bread and set aside to cool on a grid. Break the chocolate into small pieces and dissolve in a water bath. Pour the dough with it and sprinkle with chopped pistachios. Enjoy your meal!
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