50-year-old, avoid these colors like fire. They are aging and receiving the glow

by Andrea
50-year-old, avoid these colors like fire. They are aging and receiving the glow

Lots of stylists agree that mature women should limit some colors so as not to add years. This mainly applies to clothes that are close to the face, in the case of pits – skirts or pants, you can keep the full range of color matched.

Stylizations can subtract years or addthey can also optically slim your legs or waist. Magic lies in matching clothes, and the colors are considerable here. It is worth choosing them to feel good, but mature ladies can give up several colors (if they do not want, it is worth considering the issue of additives and makeup, so as to divert attention from a given color).

It is recognized that the most aging colors are: black, graphite, navy blue and dark brown. The most powerful effect of aging gives black, worn at the face can emphasize the bags under the eyes and other skin imperfections, making it look more tired, and thus often older. However, this color is a classic that many do not want to give up. What in such a situation? Expressive makeup comes in handy – a strong accent on the lips and eyes, will make the effect of aging much smaller.

In the case of other colors, it is worth maintaining moderation, they can be an element of layered stylizations, e.g. a jacket shirthowever, they should not be the main base of the outfit.

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Some colors are aging, others are up to the opposite years. Which belong to the latter group? First of all, these are all brighter colors, including pink or blue. Many mature women do not quite feel good in such colors, but it is worth trying to create a stylization in this climate – you can often get it yourself that several years have visually lost.

A good option is also a color analysis, which will allow you to choose perfect colors relative to the type of beauty. You can sign up for both consultants and try to do it yourself with the help of available applications.

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First of all, they are all pits from suits and dresses that They end in the middle of the calf – This length not only ages, but can add kilos. Definitely better if the skirt ends in the knee. MIDI length, although fashionable, can add seriousness in dark colors.

Such a cut is sometimes useful if you want to add professionalism, but in the case of everyday stylizations it is worth putting it in to the background and playing with fashion so as to feel good and unnecessarily not to age.


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