I pour and mix. After 3 days I have a ready -made tomato conditioner
At the beginning of May, the season for planting vegetables in the garden begins. Tomatoes are one of the most frequently chosen cuttings. This is not surprising, the taste of your own tomatoes, without pesticides and other chemical enhancers, is irrefutable. Tomatoes require. It is worth taking care of their correct hydration and protecting against pests. Tomato cuttings are exposed to an attack, among others, aphids. Tomatoes should also be fertilized. However, before you reach for buying fertilizers, test the homemade tomato conditioner. The only thing you need for it are oatmeal, sugar and water. Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in a blender. Add a glass of warm water to them and add a small amount of sugars. Leave the whole for 2 days, and after that time dilute with 3 liters of water. Water the tomato seedlings with such a prepared solution once every two weeks.
Nutrient made of oatmeal and sugar for tomatoes. Properties
Oatmeal is a rich source of many valuable, among others, nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Oatmeal also affects the improvement of soil condition and stimulate plants to grow. Sugar added to the water improves the life of many flowers. For tomatoes, sugar will make the fruit more juicy and aromatic.
When and how to sow tomatoes? Planting tomatoes from seedlings
Sowing tomatoes should take place in early spring. Thanks to this, cuttings will have time to grow and prepare for the fruiting season. Too late sowing will cause tomatoes to start fruiting too late. Gardeners indicate that the best month for sowing tomatoes is March. You can do it in two ways – planting tomatoes into multicellular tray or individual containers. The sowing of tomatoes takes place pointly, putting single, then covered with a layer of soil to about 1 cm.
It is best to reach for special soil for tomato cuttings. It must be weeded and rich in nutrients. The right temperature is needed for tomatoes to sprout. At the beginning it is recommended to maintain 20-25 degrees Celsius, and after rising – 15-20 degrees Celsius. Tomato seeds begin to germinate after about 1 week of planting. At this time, they should be watered regularly. Try to moisten the ground so that the leaves of young seedlings do not have contact with water. The first liquid nutrients can also be used.