Former President criticizes Deborah’s conviction on social networks; Moraes and Dino voted for a sentence of 14 years
The former President of the Republic (PL) A publication on its X profile this Sunday (23.mar.2025), in which the arrest of Debora dos Santos, who peppered, with lipstick, “Lost, Mané” in the statue of justice during January 8.
“Deborah lies down and wakes up without seeing her children. It’s been 2 years in preventive”. Bolsonaro criticizes the votes of E, who went to condemn her to 14 years in prison.
The former president released a video of an interview from Deborah’s mother saying that she misses her daughter a lot and that the children’s arrested children ask for, in prayer, the mother back.
– Deborah lies down and wakes up without seeing her children. It has been serving for 2 years.
-Moraes and Dino have already given their votes to condemn her to another 14 years in prison.
– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
Deborah was arrested on March 17, 2023 by the Federal Police, during the operation against those involved in the depredations of the headquarters of the three powers.
Read the publication of Jair Bolsonaro:
Vote of Moraes
The rapporteur’s vote is to condemn the defendant to all crimes imputed by the (Attorney General’s Office). The offenses are to the former president (PL) and the other 33 accused of trying a coup in 2022.
They are:
- Armed criminal association;
- Violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law;
- coup d’etat;
- Damage qualified by violence and serious threat, using flammable substance, against the union’s assets and with considerable damage to the victim; and
- deterioration of listed assets.
Moraes stated that the accused was identified by baking the statue “The Justice”, in front of the STF, from images released by the newspaper S.Paulo Folha.
He said the images prove “Activates contribution from Débora Rodrigues dos Santos in undemocratic acts” who had as its purpose “To abolish the Democratic Rule of Law and testify the government legitimately constituted”.
The decision also cites the photos of the moment Debora Picha the statue to claim that she demonstrated “Pride and happiness in relation to the act of vandalism that had just practice against sculpture maximum symbol of the Brazilian judiciary ”.
However, There is no image that proves that Deborah entered any of the headquarters of the three powers. The available photos show the hairdresser in the Three Powers Square.
The defense used these arguments to request the rejection of the complaint. He claimed that there were no elements that attributed to Deborah the authorship of the crimes.
In the vote, however, Moraes argues that the hairdresser accusation fits as a crime “Multitudinal”that is, which is committed by a crowd. In this case, criminal liability can be shared. This thesis was validated by the ministers of the 1st Class in other judgments of the January 8th.
In the process, PGR also reinforced the argument. Argued that in collective crimes “Detailed individualization of conduct finds non -transponable barriers by the collective characteristic of conduct, but there is no doubt, however, that all contribute to the result.”.
Considering the evidence that a crowd has invaded and depreciated the buildings with the intention “Criminal and scammer”the minister understands that “The co-authorship of Debora Rodrigues dos Santos has been fully proven by the proof of the file”.
In addition, in another part of the decision, Moraes says that Deborah “It deleted and hid proof of its intense participation in the coup acts” because the federal and judicial police said they had not found “Relevant conversations in WhatsApp messaging apps on issues that concern the object of investigations”.
The magistrate says that the interruption of dialogues at WhatsApp Debora, from December 2022 until the first half of February 2023, would indicate, according to PF, one “Indication” that she deleted “Relevant data”.
Débora Rodrigues dos Santos became a defendant for the 1st class of the STF on August 9, 2024, unanimously. The same collegiate now analyzes his conviction until Friday (28.mar). The class is formed by Moraes, Flávio Dino, Cristiano Zanin, Cármen Lúcia and Luiz Fux.
The woman has been preemptively arrested since March 17, 2023, by order of Moraes. It has 2 children.
She was arrested by the (Federal Police) NA, which targeted the participants of the acts of January 8, 2023. At the time, protesters deprecated the headquarters of the three powers in Brasilia.
During the extremist acts, Deborah was photographed by baking the statue in front of the STF. According to the defense, she had only a lipstick to do the graffiti.