Total equals the period from March 2024 to February 2025; average price of the exported bag was US $ 268.89
The total exports of coffees in Brazil in the period followed by 12 months, from March 2024 to February 2025, reached the physical volume equivalent to 50.15 million bags of 60 kg.
Such sales resulted in a currency revenue of US $ 13.48 billion. The average price of the exported bag was US $ 268.89. Thus, this total foreign exchange revenue converted into the country’s current currency is equivalent to R $ 75.33 billion raised in the period.
The volume of exported green coffee added the total physical volume equivalent to 45.89 million bags of 60 kg. Represented 91.5% of the total general exports of the product. And, in addition, that industrialized coffee, whose exports totaled 4.26 million bags, it is found that such sales equivalent to 8.5% of exports of Brazilian coffees during the prominent period.
In relation specifically to the data recorded with the exports of green coffees in the same period previously mentioned, it appears that approximately 37 million bags of coffee were of the kind of species of coffea arabica (Arabica coffee), which represented around 80% of the type of exported green coffee. And, in addition, that 8.89 million bags of the species of coffea canephora (robust coffee + conilon), which equivalent to 20% of green coffees purchased by importers.
As for the industrialized coffees, whose total physical volume exported was the equivalent of 4.26 million bags of 60 kg, it is found that the soluble type reached the sum of 4.21 million bags, which represented around 98.8% of the total recorded with these sales. And additionally, that the roasted and ground coffee added only 52,130 bags, which equivalent to 1.2% of this type of exported coffee, in the period, from March 2024 to February 2025.
Considering only the sum of exports from January and February, the total general of exports reached the physical volume equivalent to 7.27 million bags of 60 kg, and in January such sales totaled 4 million bags and those of February totaled 3.27 million bags.
From the physical volume exported during this period, as the total green coffee reached 6.62 million bags, such an export represented approximately 91% of the total general sold to importers in the period in focus, with 6.06 million were c. arabicawhich equivalent to 91.5% of green coffees. And, additionally, as 559.92 thousand bags of C. Canephorait appears that this species represented around 8.5% of these exports in the quarter in focus.
Regarding the total industrialized coffee general exported in the same quarter, which was the equivalent of 648.98 thousand bags of 60 kg, it appears that this volume 640.99 thousand bags were soluble coffee, which corresponded to 98.7% of these exports, and also that were sold more 7.99 thousand bags of roasted and ground coffee, which equivalent to approximately 1.3% coffee of such sales.
The exports of the differentiated Brazilian coffees reached the physical volume equivalent to 1.80 million bags, which were exported at an average price of US $ 398.87 to a bag of 60 kg. Such a unit value represented an additional average goodwill of 19.2% compared to natural coffees, which resulted in a exchange rate revenue with this type of coffee corresponding to US $ 717.74 million. Differentiated cafes are considered to be superior or certified for sustainable practices.
With information from .