New chairman of the Commission for the Defense of Rights, Federal Deputy Duarte Jr. (PSB-MA) states that he wants to define this Tuesday (25) understanding summarized in the board to standardize positions on new disabilities that are the subject of bills.
Sumulated understandings serve to guide the commission around the matter. “There are several projects that try to create new disabilities without any scientific, technical support. It is not reasonable, because if every situation is considered, we will not be able to guarantee a different treatment to those who actually have a disability,” argues the deputy.
Another measure that the parliamentarian intends to adopt is to expand the scope of projects that seek only one type of disability. He cites as an example a text that deals with people with hearing impairment in public tenders. “There is no reason to be a project for. It makes no sense to guarantee a right just for a certain disability. Our idea is to ensure that it is projects for general deficiencies,” he says.
Duarte Jr. also wants to approve the Brazilian Inclusion Code, whose importance compares with the Consumer Protection Code. The intention is to unify all laws that address people with disabilities and guarantee rights to them.
“We will unite all these legislations in a single text, raise the level of a code to give more legal force, to strengthen these rights and also to organize logically, as in a code,” he says. “There will be a chapter of cognitive disabilities, a chapter of motor disabilities, basic rights, duties. We will also change this text to a simpler language. It will be a true milestone for inclusion policies,” he adds.
The code is due to be filed on behalf of the Commission by the first week of April. In his assessment, the fact that it is not an ideological theme will facilitate the processing in Congress.
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