Companies are creating “black lists” to prevent the return of former employees

by Andrea
More than a quarter of Portuguese companies are in technical bankruptcy

Companies are creating "black lists" to prevent the return of former employees

The goal has an internal list of former employees who cannot be rehired, often without specifying the reason for the blockade. Practice is not limited to the technological sector.

A former senior metal engineer, who was fired during the 2022 collective discharge, was confident of getting another job at the technology giant.

With a strong history of performance, a recent promotion and high management recommendations, I expected a process of quiet rehirement. However, after applying for about 20 functions and receiving the initial interest of hiring managers, it was repeatedly ignored by recruiters. Finally, a hiring director informed him that he had been marked as “ineligible for recounting.”

Hidden lists of “not hiring” the goal again

According to several former employees and managers, the goal maintains internal lists that prevent the return Of some former employees, even if they have come out in good terms with their colleagues and superiors.

Business Insider spoke to five former goal employees who confirmed the existence of these lists, recorded through internal systems such as “non -regrettable lossAnd “not hiring again.” Although such practices are not illegal, employment experts say they are highly unusual, especially for workers with good performance.

Employees who commit serious offenses, such as data theft, are permanently prohibited from being hired again. However, some former directors revealed that they could Put names on these lists to your discretionoften without documented performance problems, leading to lists to be used as retaliation against employees with whom the manager did not sympathize or to reinforce discriminatory hiring practices.

“If one Manager didn’t like yourselfIt was not difficult to put someone on a list, ”one former manager told BI.

A goal spokesman answered, stating that clear criteria determine the eligibility for rehiring and that safeguards prevent a single manager from unilaterally blocking one person. Still, some former employees argue that the process lacks transparency and responsibility.

The target system is not infallible. A lawsuit revealed that the company once rejected a former employee on the list “not hiring”, after it was accused of persecution and harassment.

Despite the frustrations, the former senior engineer who initially sought to be readmitted to the goal still expects to have another opportunity. “It is the worst company I have worked in”He admitted,” but they also pay the best. If I could stay there a few more years and make money, I would do so. ”

It’s not just the goal

Employment specialists consider the very unusual goal approach. Google’s former HR executive, Laszlo Bock, told Insider that he had never found a formal designation of “not hiring” in any large company.

However, practice seems to be more common than you think. Following the publication of the insider report, workers from all over corporate America shared similar stories of function applications in old employers who were mysteriously ignored by recruiters.

Many employees only found that they were in these lists after they have already left their companies and tried to get back in, while many others may not even know they are in them. The phenomenon is also not the technological sector, with reports of cases in health.

“If a director has a problem with an employee, he can easily prevent it from being hired Again, ”explains a 38 -year -old nurse of experience told.

A former employee of a large chip company says he was “banned forever” to work there, although he was promoted and increased shortly before being fired: “Why? No one seems to know.”

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