Journalists from They suffer mass attacks on social networks since the afternoon of last Friday (21) due to the coverage of the, in Brasilia.
Several accounts on different platforms have come to threaten, chase and look for personal information from professionals who reported.
The case was registered in a police report. The legal department of Sheet Accompanies the case.
The attacks began after an X -account account (former Twitter) posting in text and video implying that journalists Gabriela Biló and Thaísa Oliveira were responsible for the arrest of criticism of the ministers of the (Supreme Court).
The text published on social networks also implied, without any proof, that data on the author of graffiti had been delivered by the journalists to the Supreme, which never happened.
The person responsible for that act, Débora dos Santos Rodrigues, was arrested. The case began to be treated symbolically by allies of the former president () and critics of the STF minister. Deborah is trial in the first class of the Supreme. Moraes and Minister Flávio Dino voted for her conviction, with a sentence of 14 years in prison.
Last Friday, a commentator of the west magazine repeated the same untrue attacks circulating on the networks against journalists.
Publications on social networks have exposed names and photos of reporters, surpassing hundreds of thousands of views.
In the comments and private messages, users sent journalists cursing, stimuli to public lynchings and the scrutiny of personal information. Part of the messages contained death threats. The attacks also targeted relatives of the journalists.
Press associations repudiated attacks on both professionals.
The Abraji (Brazilian Investigative Association) expressed “extreme concern” with the campaign to pursue journalists. The entity said the threats need to be investigated and that its responsible should be punished.
“This is a coordinated action of personal offenses, exposure of personal data and threats of physics and death, spread by social networks with the clear intention not only to attack both professionals but also to silence the work of the press,” said the association.
The entity added that “it is not the journalist’s role to judge or condemn, nor omitted in the face of relevant information for society.”
Arfoc (Association of Photographic and Cinematographic Reporters in the State of São Paulo) stated that journalists have fulfilled the “duty to document reality,” repudiated “any form of intimidation and censorship” and reiterated their “commitment to defense of freedom of expression”.
“At a time when freedom of the press and the right to information are being threatened, it is unacceptable that communication professionals are the target of attacks because they perform their role with seriousness and commitment to the truth,” the text says.