Have you ever noticed what is on the microwave door? You will be surprised at what it is for

by Andrea

Kamila Součková 23. 3. 2025 clock 2 minutes video

Probably the only kitchen appliance that can conjure up a warm lunch and sometimes a “nice” spectacle in the form of fireworks. Mirkrvlnka. Have you ever been interested in how it works?

When you put a plate with decorative gold elements, or even a little aluminum foil in the microwave or from ignorance, it will sputter like a New Year’s Eve. This is because the metal of microwave radiation reflects and thus sparks, which has the effect of the exuberant celebration.

Want to know how the microwave works? Watch this video:

Source: YouTube

Well, we explained this. And have you ever wondered why the doors of microwaves in the middle of the dark sieve of dark color? Sure not. Who would examine such a thing? Well, we here in the iReceptára! We started to search what the grid in the doors of the microwave serves and here is the result: I place it there for our protection. The American radio show Science Friday came with details.

How Mirkovlnka works

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Microwave oven oven sheating operates on the basis of electromagnetic radiation. Such radiation is called microwaves and compared to other forms of radiation type X -ray or gamma (you may know the gamma knife in connection with healthcare) are our microwaves long. To be more accurate, they are just over 12 centimeters long, and therefore they are longer than the wavelengths of light that will capture our eye.

What is the net in the doorway

The mesh in the door of the microwave is designed to reflect the microwave radiation and return it to the inside of the appliance. But while the light waves are small and can penetrate small openings in the sieve, and that’s why we see the microwaves inside during the food heating process without exposed to radiation.

An English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday came with such an invention. Not directly with the door grid microwave for consumer protection, because he lived and researched in the 19th century, when today known and commonly used microwave oven still did not exist.

Source: www.mentalfloss.com

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