Homemade mayonnaise from boiled eggs. I always do for Easter

by Andrea
Homemade mayonnaise from boiled eggs. I always do for Easter

Since the mayonnaise is available in all stores, hardly anyone does their own. Undoubtedly, this is a great convenience and acceleration of work, especially during the holidays, where egg emulsion is used in significant amounts. Recently, however, he is more likely to return to the roots. Homemade mayonnaise is above all satisfaction, unique taste and health.

Traditional mayonnaise is prepared from vegetable oil, raw eggs and taste additives. The use of raw eggs can increase the risk of Salmonella bacterial infectionwhich can lead to strong food poisoning. Mayonnaise is not usually subjected to thermal treatment, so there is no chance that pathogens will be killed. Egging also does not give you 100 % certainty that the delicacy will be free from bacteria. They can develop inside the egg.

Such a vision effectively discourages from making a home mayonnaise. Nobody wants to prepare dishes with the thought that he could poison someone. In order not to worry, and continue to enjoy your own emulsion, It is worth reaching for mayonnaise from boiled eggsk. use hard -boiled eggs completely eliminates the dangerous salmonellaand the sauce will become safe to eat. They will be able to reach for such mayonnaise Also women pregnantywhich should not eat raw eggs.

Mayonnaise from boiled eggs comes out just as delicious as of the raw. He does not lack creamy and delicacy. The taste is Extremely egg And he is great for the addition of vinegar and mustard. However, sour accessories are not overwhelming, but only emphasize and extract the best from the sauce.

A few simple movements and ingredients are enough to have Healthy, homemade mayonnaise free from preservatives and flavors. I always make Easter, and eggs and salads with it are the best.


  • 4 hard -boiled and peeled eggs,
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard,
  • 150 ml of olive oil or oil,
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,
  • sun,
  • pepper.

Put into the blender bowl cut in halfcooked eggs. To them Add mustard, vinegar and oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly to a completely smooth mass. Finally, the emulsion Season to taste with salt and pepper. Homemade mayonnaise from cooked eggs is ready to eat.

Source: NowowoPuje.pl

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