Horoscope Camelia Pătrășcanu. Before Neptune leaves the Pisces sign, he conjunctively with Venus retrograde in Fish. It is a magical moment, of Christian love, healing. We will feel an impetus, on March 27-28, to say what I did not say, to accept the things we cannot control, especially since they are the most in life.
Also, to be more careful about the causes of things. It is a time when we will be more introspective, more melancholy. It’s an aspect that teaches us how to look at the wide world. Venus and Neptune teach us not to fear it, to accept what we cannot change.
Venus and Neptune invite us to see with our hearts, when we look at life and her processes. With the reason, this time, we will not be able to enter too far.
Aries They have revelations or they will simply calm down, tranquility and peace. It is worth taking advantage of the conjunction days by creating a soothing environment. They are invited to be more sweet, warmer. To receive the gestures of others more easily, to forgive, writes fanatik.ro.
Horoscope Alina Bădic 23-29 March 2025. What is the subtle message that the planets convey. Astral predictions for the next period
bullsalthough it is a short moment, I can change the sheet, the disposition. I see in another key an event that can occur unexpectedly. In any case, the chance is offered by environmental and environment. It is important with whom I talk to, what they look at, what mentors they have, what models they take.
Twins have a conjunction bringing release, repairs. I do not do them by their will, it can be the intervention of a person from the entourage. They are happily repositioned in front of the authorities with whom they now have meetings and discussions.
Crayfish they have clarifications at the soul level. They clear a horizon, the fog is wasting about the prospects. They begin to have more clarity in appreciating some things. I am able to cross some distances for people they hold.
lions They have a brave conjunction, a brave spirit in the face of losses that they assume very much. It is the kind of situation in which the width of the soul and generosity manifests. The virgins strengthen their public image. They can be persons approved in a certain role. In their case, the conjunction also comes with an aesthetic, care, label note.
balances they have the conjunction brought by forgiveness and indulgence towards someone from the entourage. They really want to help with a colleague. This preventive, healing spirit manifests itself in relation to a smaller person.
Scorpions They have a conjunction that emphasizes affective love, not the sensory love. Erotism is left below, it goes to the tail of the list. Honesty, tenderness, simple gestures become more important now.
Read also Horoscope March 24, 2025. It is the day of important decisions for all signs. Full forecasts for all natives
Horoscope Camelia Pătrășcanu. The Sagittarius have a conjunction that brings peace and tranquility into the house. Can be a good time to pamper. The body records very well any healing process, carefully feeding, carefully. Sleep is very important during this period.
Capricorn have a conjunction that brings the gentleness of the mind. They are no longer concerned about the truth, but also the balance. They want to understand what they listen to when talking to the other. Aquarians correct some wrong attitudes in the work area. It takes an order, a persistence in work to give results. fish They become milder opposite the way they look and analyze their own lives. Can make an excess of self -indulgence.