If in previous seasons we have gathered many deformed carrots from the flower beds, it means that we most likely made a mistake during sowing of the plant. We suggest how to avoid mistakes that lead to distortion of crops and how and when to sow carrots so that they grow healthy and straight.
It is very important when we decide to sow carrots to the ground. Wanting to enjoy abundant and healthy crops, We must do it at an optimal date so as not to harm the plant.
Early spring is the best time to start sowing carrots. Sowing should be carried out from March to Maywhen this minimal risk of frost enables the safe development of young seedlings.
It often happens that carrots grow deformed and twists or divides into two or even three branches. It may also have distortions in the form of thickened protrusions on the roots.
When we come across only a few distorted vegetables during the harvest, it will not be a big problem. Serious trouble only starts when most of our is deformed.
The reason for this contrary to popular opinion is not the purchased seeds. Among the most common reasons for this state of affairs, it is mentioned:
- transplanting carrots,
- premature and too thick,
- improper ground,
- soil obstacles,
- water shortage,
- bad fertilization,
- root damage.
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Deformed carrots are also Pathogens will penetrate the greater risk that their roots will crash and, as a result, will penetrate the tissues. So it’s worth knowing what to do to grow carrots with straight roots. Fortunately, we can easily avoid distortion.
For this purpose During sowing, pay attention to several factors. First of all, let’s not sow the carrots to the cold soil and wait for the air temperature to remain at the level of about 6 degrees Celsius. Besides Avoid thick sowing, because carrots growing too close together will deform and their roots can intertwine. It’s best to sow them so that each carrot has at least 5 cm free space.
Let’s also pay attention to the soil before we sow the vegetable. Let’s avoid compact and poorly permeable soil, and if we have one in the garden, then mix it with sand or peat. Before sowing, let’s also dig a bed to get rid of large stones and other elements from the soil that could hinder the development of the plant.
Another thing to take care of is Appropriate carrot irrigation, Especially in the initial phase of development. Power supply with water must be systematic so that there is no root distortion. It is also important not to use high doses of nitrogen fertilizers in the case of carrots. Compost will just work best.