Legislative: PS submits complaints about two government sessions

by Andrea
Legislative: PS submits complaints about two government sessions

António Cotrim / Lusa

Legislative: PS submits complaints about two government sessions

Pedro Nuno Santos intervenes during the parliamentary debate

Socialists indicate to the CNE that sessions are institutional publicity in the electoral period for legislative elections.

O PS presented Two complaints at the National Elections Commission (CNE) About Invitations for sessions with the Government who consider it to be institutional advertising In an election period for legislative elections, he said today to the Portuguese official source of the party.

According to the complaints to which the Lusa agency had access, in question are invitations to the presentation session of the Forest Intervention Planwhich took place on Friday, and another for the signature ceremony of the IP3 EXIGNMENT CONSIGNATION SELF -Santa Comba Dão/Viseu section, which will take place on Tuesday, both with the presence of the Prime Minister.

According to both complaints, these invitations correspond to institutional advertising that is prohibited From the moment the decree of the President of the Republic that dissolved the Assembly of the Republic and settled May 18 for the early elections.

“Being in question, except for better understanding of you, the violation of the duties of neutrality or impartiality, so the respective process of offense must be established,” argue the socialists.

One of the complaints is against the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries being the invitation for the presentation session of the forest intervention plan and the other against the Board of Directors of Infrastructure of Portugal and the Mayor of Tondela.

Already in the last elections European, The PS filed a complaint against the government’s disclosure of a carta addressed to pensioners In the electoral period, the CNE and the CNE notified the Government so that until the end of the election campaign it would refrain from “carrying out actions that substantiate forms of prohibited institutional publicity.”

On June 2 last year, PS Secretary-General Pedro Nuno Santos had accused the government of “feeling of impunity” and to ignore CNE guidelines and recommendations, criticizing the letter sent to pensioners in the middle of the electoral period.

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