Waste sorting seems easy, but some waste types still raise doubts. Example? Plastic meat packaging. Some throw them into plastic, others into mixed waste. Where should they go not to disturb the recycling process? Is there one correct answer to this question?

Sorting waste is a daily matter in Slovak households, but many of us still make mistakes that can prevent the recycling process. Plastic meat packaging is particularly problematic – although they are made of plastic, they are often not suitable for recycling. Should they go to a yellow or black container?

But what about meat and bone remnants? Find out how to properly dispose of this type of waste to take care of the environment and not contribute to its further pollution.

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Although plastic packaging appears to be a clear candidate for a yellow container, the matter is not that simple.

  • If the packaging has been in contact with raw meat, blood or fat, it is best to throw it into mixed waste. Polluted plastics are not suitable for recycling and water and cleaning agents are used for washing, which is also not good for the environment.
  • On the other hand, if the packaging is clean and marked as recyclable, it should go to a yellow plastic and metals container. However, before being thrown away The insert of absorbing moisture needs to be removedthat prevents direct contact of meat with plastic. This object, like wet and contaminated paper, must be placed in mixed waste.

Mixed waste container. There should go the remains of meat and bones

They are not just plastic trays that raise questions. What about meat, bones or broken products?

  • Unlike the intuition should not go to bio -waste. Attract pests and make composting more difficult, therefore They must always be thrown into mixed waste.

Proper sorting of waste is not only a question of compliance with the rules in force, but also a real measure to protect the environment. The plastic that goes for recycling can be reused, reducing the amount of waste in landfills. However, the mindless ejection of contaminated packaging into yellow containers prevents the process of recovery of raw materials.

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