Here are the messages of the runes for each sign in the new display dedicated to the week March 24-30, 2025. It is a very valuable tool for those looking for deep advice.
Runes have roots in ancient history, from the times of the Nordic and Germanic, Scandinavian and English tribes. In the old days they were used especially for writing but also for magic purposes. Old Runic inscriptions were found on jewelry, weapons and usual 3-century objects, but many experts agree that they existed long before.
“Runa” simply means mystery, secret or whisper. Each Runa is a sacred sign with magical powers that is connected with a higher power.
With the help of runes, we receive a deeper understanding of situations, a predisposition or a form of answer to a question. Runes do not tell you exactly what to do with your life, but I give you a hint and you use your intuition for your next step. The future is not fixed – every man has the divine power to build his own paths.
Runes are 24 magical characters with the German runic alphabet, made of stone or wood, which have ancient origins and dates from the times of the northern and Germanic tribes. Each run has a name and is associated with a certain deity, object or phenomenon. They were used to decorate weapons, utensils, jewelry or were located at the entrance of the houses. Although at that time everyone used them, the true connoisseurs of the mysteries of the runes were considered healers or magicians. Doctors treated diseases, warriors prayed for battles, hunters for a rich prey.
The totality of the runes together with their powers and connections form a magic system.
Rune display for Aries (March 21 – April 19)
A runalata Runa – Hagalaz: You need to destroy something from the past or present to have a change for the better. Even if you are afraid of loss, it is for the benefit of your development, personal or professional.
Rune display for Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Runa display – Jera (face up). Runa indicates that happiness and times to be cheerful are on the horizon. It is a time to see the fruits of your sustained work and the effort. Although things are much brighter on the horizon, it may be just a new step on your trip and not the final destination.
Rune display for Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Runa display – Nauthiz: Nauthiz suggests lack, need, desire to have something you don’t have now. However, without fulfilling this need, desires, you will no longer be motivated to continue, which will generate difficult and unpleasant feelings.
Rune display for Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Runa display – Othila: This run announces winnings on both sides. Indicate a time when a tangible training will lead to positive concrete results. It is an excellent opportunity to learn, to become better, to expand. New acquisitions are favored. At the same time, it announces for a while with blessings in which the actions taken will be very successful and will bring better opportunities for development. It is that moment that, if recognized, will reward you with all kinds of important benefits.
Read the continuation on the advice of the people. Ro.