The mayor of São Paulo, (), criticized this Sunday (23) the advertising campaign launched by the main communication vehicles, including in Sheetin defense of the resumption of motorcycle transportation by application ,.
In the ads, published in printed, digital and TV editions, Uber cites several arguments in defense of the service, including bulky traffic jams in the capital and the price of the sport, which is usually lower than car transportation.
Asked by the panel, the mayor stated that the insensitivity of the company with “the lives lost in motorcycle accidents is alarming.”
“Only in 2024, in the city of São Paulo, 483 people lost their lives in motorcycle accidents,” he says. “By promoting a shallow campaign like this, the focus is lost, and the true and most important discussion – that should be about life preservation and accident prevention – is disregarded.”
Motorcycle hitchhiking service per application is the subject of contestation in some cities. In São Paulo, and 99 launched the transport of passengers with motorcycle earlier this year, but paralyzed the activity after one, amid a dispute with Nunes.
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