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From the banker to GPS: Seven ways to give the old mobile phone new life.
If you bought a new phone and left the old stop at home, there are several ways to make it useful again. Here’s 7 ways to do it:
The banker
Having a secondary mobile phone that preferably is not used away from home can be a way to protect bank applications. Thus, it can prevent others from accepting to the account in case of loss, theft or theft.
To do this, simply install the banks’ apps on your old mobile phone and make it protected with password and biometrics. But beware: When performing this procedure, you can lose access to internet banking on your main smartphone when setting up the account on the secondary device.
The player
Playing on the mobile phone is a major causes of battery consumption due to the intensive use of the processor to run the games. If you have more demanding charts, this consumption may be even greater.
If your old mobile phone has good hardware, you can use it as a mobile game device, so as not to compromise the main phone’s battery life-and you can use it for messages or other tasks while playing in the secondary.
The alarm clock
Some people are afraid that the mobile phone discharges at night, the alarm does not touch and end up late for work or school. The old mobile phone may be your new alarm clock, and thus guard sufficient drums.
In some cases, you may even configure the screen lock and leave it in a tripod to see the hours without the need to touch the device.
The Radio
For music lovers and podcasts, using the old mobile phone as a radio is an excellent option. You can always leave it connected to a column so as not to spend the battery on your main device.
There is also the possibility of using it as a portable music reader, with discharged songs on the device, to listen to during races, walks or gym – avoiding bringing the main phone to these places.
The alternate
Due to the high number of robberies and thefts, many people choose not to take their mobile phone to events with large agglomerations. However, it is not always possible to be incommunicado.
In this case, you can use the old mobile phone as a reserve device, only with the essential applications for communication. In the worst of scenarios, it loses the SIM card – which can easily be replaced in a carrier store – and a smartphone that no longer used.
The employee
Even outside working hours, notifications continue-especially for those who manage multiple social networking accounts or receive professional emails.
If you prefer to keep the personal notifications separate from professionals, using a secondary mobile phone with your job accounts can be a good solution. You can also use an additional SIM card with a number only for professional contacts.
Finally, you can use the old mobile phone exclusively as GPS in the car. Even without SIM card, you can share the internet from the main device and access map services.
Thus, you don’t have to remove the mobile phone from the car support whenever you get home or work. This measure also helps to avoid distractions with notifications from the main device, such as WhatsApp, social networks, email, among others.