REPRODUção / Talavera de la Reina
Ponte Romada destroyed in Talavera de la reina
“Terrible day for the history of Talavera”: climbing the waters of the Tagus River caused the collapse of two sections of a Roman bridge.
The climb of the waters of Tagus River provoked the collapse of two sections of a bridge em Talavera de la Reinain downtown Spain, the mayor of Toledo said this Sunday, José Julián Gregorio.
“Tonight is a terrible day for the history of Talavera. Our old or ‘Romana’ bridge partially collapsed. A terrible flood of water to the city. Thank God, we close it to traffic public. Today, my heart, as mayor, hurts for this loss of heritage, ”Gregorio.
Together with the message, published on the social network x shortly after 01:00 (00:00 in Lisbon), the mayor released a video showing one of the bridge’s arches to crumble due to the strong stream of the Tagus.
Tonight is a terrible day for the history of Talavera. Our old or “Roman” bridge has just collapsed a part. A terrible water avenue for the city. Thank you that we close it for the citizen pass today my heart as mayor suffers from this patrimonial loss
– José Julián Gregorio (@jjulianjoableable)
After landslide, the Municipal Police established a second perimeter of security and advised the public not to approach the area for safety reasons.
Toledo City Council that a more complete assessment of what happened will be done as soon as the sun is born.
The collapse occurred hours after the government delegate in Castilla-La Mancha, Milagros Tolón, visited Talavera de la reina due to Concerns with the Fulls of the Tagus Riverwhose waters already reached speeds higher than one thousand cubic meters per second.
During the visit, Gregorio spoke about the difficult situation of the county, which offered support to nearby localities, such as Cazalegas and Cucumber, if it was necessary to withdraw the population.
The Santa Catalina Bridge, which was classified with a good of cultural interest by the Spanish government, originates from a Roman bridge, which was partially reused.
On Friday, Castile La Mancha had issued warnings regarding the Tagus River, which was “ complicated situation ” In several zones, as happens in the Toledo region, said the president of the autonomous region, Emiliano García-Page.
The Tagus climb in Toledo led, for example, to trigger the Emergency Military Unit of the Spanish Armed Forces to protect the Paraplegic National Hospital, around which the military raised a dike to contain the waters using sand bags.
Spain, as Portugal, was under the influence of, with the region of Madrid to be one of the hardest hit by winds and heavy rains.
Bad weather led to nine parks From Madrid, including the largest and most famous in the city, the retreat, the closure of universities and a rare risk of overflowing the Manzanares river.
The City Council of Madrid highlighted that there has been “intense rainfall” since February 28, causing “water accumulation in the soil”.
There has not so far been news of victims in Spain because of the bad weather associated with Martinho depression.
Earlier this week, in Andalusia, two people died and one continued missing because of the rainfall caused by the Laurence depression.