The flood of the Tajo collapses part of the Roman bridge of Talavera de la Reina | Spain

by Andrea

It has been caused by the collapse of two sections of the known as Puente Romano or Puente Viejo de Talavera de la Reina this morning, as reported by the mayor of the Toledo municipality, José Julián Gregorio, in his account of X. “Tonight is a terrible day for the history of Talavera. Our old or Roman bridge has just collapsed a part. An avenue of terrible water for the city. Heart as mayor suffers from this patrimonial loss, ”he said. Together with this message, published after 1.00 in the morning of this Sunday, the councilor has added a video in which you can see how one of the arches of the bridge collapses due to the intense current of the river. The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has shown his solidarity with the residents of Talavera de la Reina for the breakage of “a whole symbol of the city” and has offered the help of the Executive for reconstruction. “We will protect everyone’s heritage,” he said in a message on the same social network.

The province of Toledo, in which about 200 people have been evicted, is being one of the most affected this weekend by Borrasca Martinho. They have had to leave their homes about 100 people in Santa Cruz de Retamar (1,600 inhabitants), the last 40 last night. In Escalona (3,801 inhabitants) they are a centennar and have also been uninhabited housing in Calalberche (1,200 neighbors) and inheritances (800 inhabitants). In Merendjar, in Guadalajara, the flood of the rivers keep several roads from the secondary network cut.

The Talavera de la Reina (84,000 inhabitants), in addition to the collapse of the Old Bridge, the water has also reached several garages already a sports center near the Tagus. Since the Government of Castilla-La Mancha activated the Special Civil Protection Plan for the risk of flooding in operational situations 1 for the provinces of Toledo and Guadalajara, 13 days ago, 230 incidents have been registered. The operational situation 1 implies that the 112 emergency service coordinates and collaborates with the municipalities and intervention groups so that they can establish the prevention, monitoring and response measures. The Operational Coordination Center (Cecop) trusts an improvement already this Sunday since an increase in the unwins is not expected because they consider them stabilized.

The Government delegate in Castilla-La Mancha, Milagros Tolón, yesterday put “all the aid” of the central executive available to the populations affected by the floods of the Tajo and Alberche rivers in the province of Toledo. Tolón visited Talavera yesterday for being one of the areas in which he most worried the flood of the Tajo River and that this Saturday reaches speeds greater than 1,000 cubic meters per second, according to Efe.

After the detachment of the Old Bridge of Toledo, the Municipal Police has established a second security perimeter and has advised the population that approaches the environment for security reasons, as reported by the Consistory on social networks. In addition, he added that this Sunday there will be an assessment of what happened.

The old or Santa Catalina bridge is a good of cultural interest that has historically served as a route of communication with the Vega located in the southern margin of the city. The bridge has its origins in a previous structure of the Roman era, whose work is partially reuse as the foundation of the first batteries in the northern margin.

View of the Roman bridge collapsed by the flood of the Tajo River as it passes through Talavera de la Reina, this Sunday.


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